The School of Education is located at 301 Monticello Avenue ~ Williamsburg, VA 23185 ~ Campus Map [pdf]
Augustine, Bianca Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Office: 3094
Phone: (757) 221-2018
Email: Social Media: X @BiancaRAug, LinkedIn @Bianca Augustine Area of Expertise: Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Racialized & Intergenerational Trauma, Sex and Sexuality Counseling, Counseling Individuals of Affectional and Gender-Expansive Identities, Identity Development, Multicultural Awareness & Sensitivity in Counseling, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Baker, Scott Executive Professor Office: 3108
Email: Areas of Expertise: K-12 Administration and Leadership, Strategic Planning and Organizational Development
Barber, James P. Senior Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Professor of Education Office: 1104
Phone: (757) 221-6208
Email: Website: ScholarWorks ProfileGoogle Scholar Profile Social Media: LinkedIn @barberjp Areas of Expertise: Integrative Learning, College Student Development, Assessment of Student Learning, Fraternity/Sorority Research, Liberal Arts Education, Pilgrimage Studies
Barko-Alva, Katherine Associate Professor of ESL/Bilingual Education and Co-Director W&M Scholars Undergraduate Research Experience (WMSURE) Office: 3071
Phone: (757) 221-6073
Email: Areas of Expertise: ESL/ Bilingual Education, Dual Language Education, Family Engagement, ESL/DLBE Teacher Preparation, Professional Development in CLD Contexts
Boselovic, Joseph L. Postdoctoral Research Fellow Office: 2071A
Phone: (757) 221-5245
Email: Website:
Social Media:
Areas of Expertise: Sociology of Education, School Choice, School Segregation, Parenting and Family Life, Social Class and Race, Housing, Qualitative Methods
Carpenter, Ashley Clinical Assistant Professor & Director of Professional Development, Center for Gifted Education Office: 3012
Phone: (757) 221-2588
Email: Website: Center for Gifted Education Areas of Expertise: Gifted Education, Professional Development, Underserved Gifted Populations, Twice-Exceptional Learners
Chambers, LaToya Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Email: Area of Expertise: Professional counseling/substance use disorders, military/veterans, counselor education
Chen, Jason A. Professor of Education Office: 3058
Phone: (757)221-6201
Email: Areas of Expertise: Academic Motivation, Academic Engagement, Science Education, Nature of Science, Immersive Virtual Environments, Educational Technology, STEM Education
Conradi Smith, Kristin Dr. Virginia L. McLaughlin Associate Professor of Education, Coordinator of Elementary Education Program Office: 3111
Phone: (757) 221-6212
Email: Social Media: @KConradiSmith
Area of Expertise: Reading motivation, classroom texts, struggling readers
Constantino, Peggie Executive Professor, Director of Executive Programs and Chair, Educational Policy, Planning & Leadership Office: 3106
Phone: (757) 221 - 2323
Email: X: @WMExecEd Areas of Expertise: K-12 General Administration
Constantino, Steven M. Executive Professor Office: 3108
Email: Areas of Expertise: Family and Community Engagement, K-12 Leadership, Planning and Organizational Development
Donnor, Jamel K. The Fred Huby Memorial Professor of Education; Faculty Affiliate, Arts & Sciences and William & Mary Law School Email: Website: Profile Areas of Expertise: American Democracy, American Constitutionalism, American Conservatism, Education Law & Policy, and Higher Education Studies
Dorais, Stephanie Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Office: 3088
Phone: (757) 221-2052
Email: LinkedIn: @Stephanie Dorais Area of Expertise: Trauma Counseling, Positive Psychology, Contemplative Practices, Intensive Longitudinal Methodology
Floyd, Chandra Clinical Assistant Professor & Director of Curriculum, Center for Gifted Education Office: 3018
Phone: (757) 221-3124
Email: Website: Center for Gifted Education Areas of Expertise: Gifted Education, Professional Development, P12 Administration, Underrepresented Populations in Gifted Education, Advocacy
Gareis, Christopher Professor Office: 3125
Phone: (757) 221 - 2319
Email: Areas of Expertise: Curriculum Development, Instructional Leadership, Classroom Assessment, Performance-Based Assessment, Program Evaluation, Teacher Mentoring
Grant, Leslie W. Associate Professor Office: 3123
Phone: (757) 221-2411
Email: Social Media: X @LeslieWGrant, LinkedIn @Leslie Grant Areas of Expertise: Assessment Literacy, Curriculum Development and Evaluation, International Comparative Studies of Teaching & Learning, Program Evaluation
Harris, Pamela N. Clinical Associate Professor in Counselor Education Phone: (757) 634-3876
Email: Area of Expertise: School Counseling, School-Family Partnerships, College & Career Readiness of K-12 Black Females, Culturally Responsive Counselor Preparation
Henderson, Brent Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Phone: (757) 221-4906
Email: Areas of Expertise: School Counseling, LGBTQ+ Affirming Counseling, Legal and Ethical Issues in School Counseling, Counselor Education
Hofer, Mark J. Professor and Senior Director of the Learning & Design Lab, W&M Office of Strategic Cultural Partnerships Office: Barrett House
Phone: (757) 221-1713
Email: Website: X: @markhofer, LinkedIn @markjhofer Areas of Expertise: Educational technology, Learning Design, Classroom Innovation
Huber, Heartley Associate Professor Office: 3075
Phone: 757-221-2150
Email: Areas of Expertise: Special Education
Hudson, Denita N. Clinical Associate Professor and Chair, School Psychology & Counselor Education Phone: (937) 750-4463
Johnson, Denise Professor Office: 3064
Phone: (757) 221-1528
Email: Areas of Expertise: Elementary Education: Reading, Literacy Leadership
Johnson, Lindy L. Robert D. and Patricia Lee Pavey Family Co-Chair in Instructional Technology, Associate Professor of Education and Chair, Curriculum & Instruction Office: 3109
Phone: (757) 221 - 2333
Email: Website: ScholarWorks Profile X: @ lindyljohnson Areas of Expertise: Literacy, digital media, games and learning
Kier, Meredith Robert D. and Patricia Lee Pavey Family Co-Chair in Instructional Technology and Associate Professor of Science Education Office: 3119
Phone: (757) 221-2332
Email: Areas of Expertise: Equity in STEM Education, Professional Partnerships in STEM classrooms, Preparation and Retention of Social-Justice Oriented Science Teachers
Kim, Esther June Assistant Professor Office: 3056
Phone: (757) 221-2348
Email: Areas of Expertise: Social Studies Education, Civic Education, Religion and Schools
Kim, KH Professor Office: 3122
Phone: (757) 221 - 1328
Email: Areas of Expertise: Educational Foundations
Kim, Mihyeon Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Pre-collegiate Learner Programs Office: 3017
Phone: (757) 221 - 2458
Email: Areas of Expertise: Pre-Collegiate Learner Programs, Enrichment Programs, Focusing on the Future
Knoeppel, Robert C. Dean Office: 1112C
Phone: (757) 221-2315
Email: Areas of Expertise: Education Finance, Education Reform, Educational Leadership
Lanouette, Kathryn Assistant Professor of Education; Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC) and Environment and Sustainability Program (ESP) Office: 3049
Email: Website: Areas of Expertise: Science Education, Data Science Education, Emerging Technologies, Place-based Teaching and Learning, Design-based Research
Martin, Jessica Clinical Associate Professor in Counselor Education, Online Counseling Program Director Phone: (407) 436-9111
Email: Areas of Expertise: Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling, Multicultural Counseling, Clinical Supervision
Martinez Jr., Robert R. Associate Professor and Co-Program Coordinator, School Counseling Program Office: 3055
Phone: (757) 221-4782
Email: Areas of Expertise: School Counseling, Foster Youth, At-Promise Youth, Youth Returning from Juvenile Care, Qualitative/Quantitative Methods, and School/Community Partnerships
Mason, Marguerite Professor Office: 3115
Phone: (757) 221 - 2327
Email: Areas of Expertise: Secondary Education: Mathematics
McGill, Ryan John W. & Sue H. Gerdelman Associate Professor of Education, School Psychology Office: 3120
Phone: 757-221-6072
Email: Website: Facebook: @EBSPsych Areas of Expertise: Evidence-Based Assessment; Appraisal of Intelligence; SLD Identification; Quantitative Psychology
Mitic, Radomir Ray Assistant Professor of Higher Education Office: 3080
Phone: (757) 221-6282
Email: Social Media: X
@DrRMitic, LinkedIn @raymitic Areas of Expertise: Equity in Graduate Education, Student Outcomes, Civic Engagement, First-Generation College Students, International/Comparative Higher Education, Quantitative Research Methods
Niles, Spencer Professor in Counselor Education Office: 3118
Phone: (757) 221-1810
Email: Areas of Expertise: Positive psychology in counseling and career interventions, career development theory and practice, leadership in higher education
Parker, Janise Associate Professor of School Psychology Office: 3127
Phone: (757) 221-6086
Email: Areas of Expertise: Sociocultural Factors and Positive Youth Development Among Black Students, Culturally Responsive Behavioral and Mental Health Services, Religious/Spiritual Diversity Among Minoritized Youth
Parris, Leandra Associate Dean and Director of Diversity & Inclusion and Associate Professor Office: 3067
Phone: (757) 221-2341
Email: X: @ParrisLeandra Areas of Expertise: Equity-Centered & Trauma-Informed Care in Schools, Social Media Impacts on Youth, Peer Aggression, Prevention/Intervention for Traumatic Stress, Social Justice in School Psychology, Effective Training in School Psychology
Phipps, Ricardo M. Clinical Associate Professor of Counselor Education Office: 3129
Phone: (757) 221-5570
Email: Areas of Expertise: Multicultural Focus--Immigration Trauma, Integration of Spirituality in Counseling, College Student Mental Health and Wellness
Pope, Amber Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Office: 3057
Phone: (757) 221-2057
Email: LinkedIn: @amberlpope Areas of Expertise: LGBTQ+ Affirmative Counseling, Human Sexuality, Couples and Relationship Counseling, Culturally Responsive Counselor Education & Supervision, Innovative Training Methods in Counselor Preparation
Popp, Patricia Clinical Associate Professor, Virginia EHCY State Coordinator Office: 2129A
Phone: (757) 221-7776
Email: Website: Project HOPE Areas of Expertise: Instruction and policy related to students experiencing high mobility
Ramer, Debbie Clinical Faculty in Curriculum & Instruction/Special Education; Director, Special Education Program; Principal Investigator, W&M TTAC; Co-Director, W&M Literacy Lab Office: 3052
Phone: (757) 221-2329
Email: Areas of Expertise: Special Education, Literacy Instruction & Structured Literacy, Assessment, Classroom & Behavior Management, Trauma-informed pedagogy, Traumatic Brain Injury
Smith, Chelsea Clinical Assistant Professor of Higher Education Office: 3070
Phone: (757) 221-4424
Email: Areas of Expertise: Black women in Higher Education, Graduate Education, Graduate Students, STEM Education, Social Justice Education
Solomon, Coralis Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Phone: (407) 968-6534
Email: Areas of Expertise: Mindful Self-Compassion Approaches for Burnout Prevention and Emotional Resilience, Multicultural & Social Justice Issues addressing Racial Battle Fatigue, School-Based Mental Health Counseling Interventions for Teachers and Underserved Populations, and Trauma Focused Interventions
St. Germain-Sehr, Noelle Clinical Associate Professor and Counseling Clinical Experience Director (online programs) Phone: (757) 221-2244
Email: Area of Expertise: Transpersonal Counseling, LGBTQ+-Affirmative Counseling, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Gender Issues, Grief and Loss
Stickl Haugen, Jaimie Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Phone: (757) 221-2053
Email: Areas of Expertise: School Counseling, Student Belonging, Equity in Education, Legal & Ethical Issues in School Counseling, Assessment and Instrument Development
Stronge, James H. Heritage Professor Office: 3120
Phone: (757) 221-2339
Email: Areas of Expertise: Teacher and leader effectiveness, Teacher and leader evaluation, Teacher selection, Human resource leadership, International comparative schooling related to school and educator effectiveness
Talbott, Elizabeth Professor and Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development Office: 2121
Phone: (757) 221-2335
Email: Social Media: X @betsytalbott1 Website: Google Scholar Areas of Expertise: Special Education, Mental Health, Evidence-based Assessment, Public Policy
Tucker, Sarah Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Phone: (757) 221-3414
Email: Area of Expertise: Neurodiversity Affirming Counseling Approaches, ADHD, Autism, Poverty and Socioeconomic Considerations in Counseling, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Child-Centered Play Therapy, Assessment
Uwamahoro, Olivia Clinical Assistant Professor in Counselor Education Phone: (757) 221-5549
Email: Social Media: LinkedIn @ouwamahoro, Instagram @dr.ouw Area of Expertise: Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Technology & Mental Health, Counselor Education, Clinical Supervision Supervision
Ward, Thomas Chancellor Professor Office: 3068
Phone: (757) 221-2358
Email: Areas of Expertise: Educational Foundations :: Research Methods
Whatley, Melissa Assistant Professor of Higher Education Office: 3086
Email: Social Media: LinkedIn
@melissa-whatley-482053266 Areas of Expertise: Comparative and International Education, Community Colleges, Quantitative Research Methods, Mixed Methods
White, Dwayne Clinical Assistant Professor Phone: (757) 221-1988
Email: Areas of Expertise: Wellness and Liberation of Black LGBTQIA+ people, Multiculturalism and Social Justice Issues in Counseling & Counselor Education, Humanistic & Post-Modern Approaches in Counseling & Counselor Education
Wiborg, Erica R. Assistant Professor Office: 3053
Phone: (757) 221-1893
Email: X: @erwiborg Areas of Expertise: Leadership Education, Student Affairs Administration, Race and Racism in Higher Education, Whiteness, Critical Leadership Pedagogy, Critical Discourse Analysis
Wilkerson, Reginald Assistant Professor Office: 3112
Phone: (757) 221-2063
Email: Areas of Expertise: School Accountability / School Improvement, Culturally Responsive School Leadership, Principal Support and Development, Enhancing Mentor / Mentee Relationships in Education, Race, Rurality, and Poverty in Education
Williams, Tamara Clinical Instructor of Literacy Education Office: 3104
Phone: (757) 221-5588
Email: Social Media: X @twwilliamsABC Areas of Expertise: Literacy Instruction and Structured Literacy, Literacy Leadership, Instructional Coaching, Intervention for Struggling Readers
Woods, Erin Director of the Flanagan Counselor Education Clinic and Professional Faculty Office: 2107L
Phone: (757) 221-4664
Email: Area of Expertise: Diagnosis, Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders