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Melissa Whatley

Assistant Professor of Higher Education

Office: 3086
Social Media: LinkedIn @melissa-whatley-482053266
Areas of Expertise: Comparative and International Education, Community Colleges, Quantitative Research Methods, Mixed Methods


Melissa Whatley is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education in William and Mary's School of Education. Dr. Whatley's research applies mixed methods and advanced quantitative approaches to explore policies and practices that diversify both who accesses international education and the outcomes of these opportunities, especially within the context of U.S. community colleges. She has substantial international experience and shares her research with an international audience on a regular basis.

Whatley is author of An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis for International Educators (Springer, 2022) and co-editor of Digital Internationalization in Higher Education: Moving Beyond Virtual Exchange (Routledge, 2023). Her research has been published in the Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, Review of Education Research, Journal of Studies in International Education, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education, Community College Review, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, New Directions for Community Colleges, Education Policy Analysis Archives, and Journal of Student Financial Aid. She is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Critical Internationalization Studies Review and serves on the editorial board of Research in Higher Education.


Ph.D. in Higher Education, University of Georgia, 2019
M.A. in Romance Languages, University of Georgia, 2010
B.A. in Linguistics, University of Georgia, 2008
B.A. in Romance Languages, University of Georgia, 2007

Activities and Honors

Innovative Research in International Education Award, NAFSA: Association of International Educators (2023)

Best Article Award, Comparative and International Education Society, Study Abroad and International Students (SAIS) Special Interest Group (SIG) (2022)

Editor, Global Studies Literature Review (2024-present)

Editor-in-Chief, Critical Internationalization Studies Review (2022-present)

Visiting Faculty, GlobalEd (2023-present)

Selected Publications

Whatley, M. (In press, 2024). International education’s academic benefit: Potential for community college virtual international exchange. Research in Higher Education

Whatley, M. (2024). Who participates in the internationalized curriculum? An exploration of access at one community college. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 17(3), 358-370.

Whatley, M. (2023). A quasi-experimental approach to understanding study abroad’s impact on academic success among community college students. Journal of Higher Education, 94(4), 498-525. 

Whatley, M. & Stich, A. (2022). Pushing the integration envelope: A network analysis of study abroad website content. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. 16(3), 350-372.

Whatley, M., & González Canché, M.S. (2022). A robust estimation of the relationship between study abroad and academic outcomes among community college students. Research in Higher Education, 63(2), 271-308.

Whatley, M., & Castiello-Gutiérrez, S. (2022). Balancing finances, politics, and public health: International student enrollment and reopening plans at US higher education institutions amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Higher Education, 84(2), 299-320.

Whatley, M., & Stich, A.E. (2021). From exclusive to inclusive: A mixed-methods investigation of study abroad participation and practices. The Journal of Higher Education, 92(1), 140-167.

Whatley, M. (2021). Community college study abroad: An event history analysis. Community College Review, 49(2), 107-130. 

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