Policy Library
The SOE Policy Library is intended to enhance procedural justice. To maintain procedural justice, policies and practices must be bias-free, consistently implemented, rooted in ethics, data-driven, and informed by the organizational community. Barriers to procedural justice include hidden culture, prejudiced and unfair practices, and the maintenance of tradition and precedent over organizational and consumer needs. In the absence of specific SOE policies and procedures, we refer to university-level policies for guidance.
For suggestions on additions to the Policy Library, please contact Jim Barber.
SOE Academic Policies
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Schedule Build
- Academic Schedule Request
- Admission
- Change to Program of Study (POS)
- Guidelines for Cancellation of Classes Due to Low Enrollment
- Guidelines for Online Teaching Load Equity
- Guidelines for Summer Teaching Course Load
- Leave of Absence
- Request For New Program
- SOE Governance Process