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Timeline for Procedures for the Evaluation, Retention, and Promotion, and Award of Tenure for Members of the Faculty of the School of Education

April 15

By April 15, the Dean sends letters to all tenure-line faculty members who are scheduled for interim, tenure, and promotion to associate professor evaluations during the coming academic year.

A tenured faculty member with a minimum of five consecutive years in rank as an associate professor who wishes to be evaluated for promotion during the next academic year must submit a letter of intent to the Dean by April 15.

May 1

The Dean will provide a list of faculty members to be reviewed the subsequent fall by May 1 to the Chair/Co-Chairs of the Faculty Evaluation Committee. The list will include the tenure-eligible and tenured faculty members scheduled for required reviews and any tenured faculty member who has requested evaluation for promotion.

May 15

The current Faculty Evaluation Committee will offer to meet with faculty members scheduled for review during the next academic year no later than May 15.

Tenure and Promotion:

June 1
Faculty members being reviewed for tenure or promotion will submit a list of at least 6 potential evaluators, 5 – 8 sample publications, and a 3-page (maximum) summary of their focused research agenda to the Dean by June 1. Potential evaluators suggested should be persons at "arm’s length" from the candidate and not be close personal or professional colleagues such as co-authors or dissertation advisors. The Committee shall suggest other potential reviewers. The Dean and the Committee chair/co-chairs shall select the external evaluators of whom to request evaluations.

July 1
The Dean sends out letters to external reviewers on behalf of all faculty members whose tenure and/or promotion materials will be reviewed before the end of the calendar year. Reviews are due by October 1.

September 15
Each member of the faculty scheduled for an evaluation shall present materials to the Evaluation Committee.

November 1
The Faculty Evaluation Committee will have completed its review and notified the faculty member undergoing evaluation for tenure and/or promotion. The faculty member will have five working days to respond.

November 10
The Faculty Evaluation Committee will forward its recommendation and any written response from the applicant to the Dean.

November 20
The Dean’s recommendation will be given in writing to the faculty member undergoing the tenure and/or promotion process. The faculty member will have five working days to respond to the Dean's recommendation before it is sent on to the Provost.

Pre-Tenure Evaluation (Interim Evaluations of Tenure-Eligible Faculty):

January 15
A faculty member scheduled for an interim evaluation shall present materials to the Faculty Evaluation Committee.

March 1
The Faculty Evaluation Committee will have completed its review and notified the faculty member undergoing evaluation. The faculty member has five working days to respond.

March 10
The Faculty Evaluation Committee will forward its recommendation and any written response from the applicant to the Dean.

March 20
The Dean’s recommendation will be given in writing to the faculty member. The faculty member will have five working days to respond to the Dean's recommendation before it is sent on to the Provost.


Timeline approved by the Faculty of the School of Education on April 30, 2008.
Revised timeline approved by the Faculty of the School of Education on April 26, 2017.
Revised timeline approved by the Faculty of the School of Education on September 27, 2017.
Revised timeline approved by the Personnel Policy Committee on March 29, 2018.