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Why William & Mary?

Large enough for excellence — small enough for community

  • The William & Mary School of Education is nationally accredited and recognized. Our faculty are actively engaged in innovative research, both synthesizing and generating it.
  • Our programs are small, thus faculty are accessible and maintain close, supportive relationships with students.
  • Our graduates are prepared for what is, and what will be, by being connected to the present and being provided the skills to shape the future. Our graduates are in high demand in the field.
  • As a W&M student, you will participate in relevant, engaging field experiences early in your program. You will not have to wait until after graduation to begin making a difference in the lives of children and clients.
  • As a W&M graduate, you will have the leadership skills to advocate for change in the profession. Make a difference in the lives of children and in the world — pursue your graduate degree with us.
  • With a range of online and hybrid degree programs, the School of Education's graduate programs are designed to meet the needs of a diverse student population that includes full-time and part-time students, differently-abled students, mid-career professionals responding to rapid changes in their respective fields, homemakers re-entering the paid work force and recent recipients of bachelor's or master's degrees preparing for advanced positions in the field of education.
  • Working professionals can pursue an online counseling degree at their own pace, benefiting from our renowned faculty and supportive academic community.
  • Alumni achieve early recognition for outstanding teaching — they quickly become school leaders and innovators.
  • We have graduated more teachers carrying the AACTE Meritorious New Teacher Candidate designation than all other VA institutions put together.
  • W&M is a recognized leader in curriculum development. 35 states use the curriculum developed in our Center for Gifted Education.