Non-degree Seeking Students
Expand your horizons - take classes for professional development or just for fun
Application Process
If you are interested in taking a class as a non-degree seeking student, you should complete the School of Education Non-Degree Seeking Application. Open dates for non-degree registration are listed on the School of Education Academic Calendar.
When completing the application you will apply as a non-degree seeking student, select the Graduate level, select School of Education, and the term in which you wish to enroll. You will upload a copy of your unofficial transcript that reflects your baccalaureate degree within the application. Applications will be reviewed, and if admitted, we will register you for the courses you have indicated on the application during that semester’s registration period.
If you are a Virgina Resident and want to be considered for in-state tuition, be sure to answer Yes to the question "Do you believe that you are an in-state Virginia domiciliary student." If you select No, you will be charged out of state tuition.
You can view the courses that are offered by term in the Course Schedule. The schedule will provide you with details concerning when and where the course is taught, if it has openings, and who the instructor is.
The information outlined below is provided to answer some of the most pressing questions for non-degree seeking students.
Registration and Blackboard
Registration is online. After you have been registered by our registrar, you can make changes to your schedule.
Visit the university's portal, Through this portal, you can access your G Suite email, Blackboard, and Banner - the student system that provides your student record, allows you to register, etc.
Accessing Banner and Blackboard: You must first acquire your logon credentials i.e. W&M Username and password. Go to this URL: and enter the ID number provided to you via email, along with your Application Email address. Follow the instructions on the website to get your credentials. Please contact the Office of Academic Programs if you have questions or encounter problems with acquiring your userid/password credentials.
**If you previously attended William & Mary and already have a 6 character W&M Username, you do not need to follow the instructions above. Your username will remain the same. Your password should remain the same as it was previously. If you need to have it reset, contact the Help Desk at 221-HELP.
Access your W&M email
Once registered, you will be able to activate your O365 email account. Your email address will be your userid Check it frequently for important updates. (Please allow 24 hours for processing.)
You should begin to check your W&M email as soon as possible. All university correspondence will now be sent to the W&M email address, not the addresses provided by you on your registration form. If you are not going to use the W&M account as your primary email account, you should make sure to have the W&M email forwarded to whatever account you check regularly.
Additional instructions for the actual registration process are listed on the Registrar's website. Please let us know if you are having problems with this process. The School of Education, NOT the University Registrar's Office, will assist you with any issues you may encounter. Our graduate registrar is Tammy Gainer. She can be reached by email or at 757-221-2316.
When searching for courses, please note that subject codes for course listings in education begin with three different letter groups:
- CRIN Curriculum & Instruction
- EDUC Education
- EPPL Educational Policy, Planning & Leadership
You can also search by the college code: Education
School of Education Calendar of Events
An important link for you to use is the School of Education Calendar of Events. This calendar gives more detail for School of Education activities and deadlines than the calendar listed on the Registrar's website.
School of Education Catalog
Includes descriptions of classes and School of Education policies regarding course work, transfer credit, academic policies, etc.
Student ID Card
The ID office can be reached at 757-221-2105. It is located in Trinkle Hall, inside the Campus Center (across the street from Berret's Restaurant.)
Billing and Payment Information Ebill
Bills are viewable online in Banner. When your bill for the semester is ready for viewing, the Bursars Office will send an email to your William & Mary email address with instructions on how to open and view the bill. An email will also be generated to any third party email address (usually the party that pays the bill) that you have set up as an authorized user in eServices. This will enable third party(s) to be notified when your bill is available. The email will include the amount due and the due date. Typically fall semester bills are ready in mid-July with a due date in August and spring semester bills are ready in mid-December and are due in January. If there are any new charges to your account during the semester or your account balance is unpaid, a monthly bill will be generated. Additional information concerning your bill, payment options, and the College's tuition payment plan can be found at eServices.
Parking and Bus Transportation
Parking decals may be purchased from the Parking Services Office on Ukrop Way. Anyone who parks a vehicle on campus must have a decal. Decals are priced according to student type and parking location. They can be reached at 757-221-4764.
A student may use his/her William & Mary ID to ride public bus transportation free to any location on the Williamsburg Transit bus route.
The College Bookstore is located in the Barnes and Noble on Duke of Gloucester Street in Merchant's Square (Colonial Williamsburg.) The phone number is 757-253-4900, ext. 242. You can order your books online at their website.
Please remember that we are here to help you in any way that we can. Please contact the staff in The Office of Academic Programs for any assistance you may need. Our phone number is 757-221-2317.