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Request for New Program

Please review the following steps for the requesting a new academic program.

  1. Request to create a new program
    • Faculty discuss with Program faculty and submit request via Curriculog.
  2. Request considered at department faculty meeting
    • If approved, Department Chair moves proposal forward in Curriculog.
  3. Academic Affairs Committee reviews
    • If approved, Chair of AAC moves proposal forward to the faculty.
    • If denied, Chair of AAC moves proposal back to the department.
  4. Faculty meeting review
    • Faculty vote on proposal at the faculty meeting. If approved, OAP moves to finalize proposal.
  5. Request submitted to W&M Institutional Change Committee
    • Dot Osborne submits request via Curriculog and discusses with affected campus offices.
  6. Institutional Change Committee reviews
    • If approved, Dot Osborne works with Institutional Accreditation & Effectiveness if SCHEV or SACSCOC approval/ notification required.
  7. SCHEV/SACSCOC approves