Gladys Krause
Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of Education
(757) 221-6083
{{https://gladyskrause.pages.wm.edu/,W&M personal website}}, {{https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/5d3e6cab85024680a03d737f8dbacb0c, Project M²}}
Areas of Expertise:
Mathematics Education, Bilingual Mathematics Education
{{https://twitter.com/gladyshkrause?lang=en, @gladyshkrause}}
Gladys Krause, Ph.D., is the Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at William & Mary. Her research centers on teacher knowledge and children's mathematical thinking, and how these two areas interact in multilingual and multicultural classrooms. She continues to expand on this work, extending it to work with bilingual parents and communities seeking a more equitable mathematics pedagogy. Dr. Krause also works on the creation of teacher and student assessments that involve articulating the knowledge to be assessed, identifying the kinds of evidence that demonstrate this knowledge, and developing and refining potential items to elicit this evidence.
Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, The University of Texas at Austin, 2014
Activities and Honors
NSF Quantitative Research Methods for STEM Education Scholars program (2020-2021)
STaR Fellowship in Mathematics Education, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2019)
CADRE Fellowship, National Science Foundation (2016-2017)
Current Grants
Principal Investigator. Collaborative Research: Developing Teacher Learning Theory with Teachers and Students Animating Mathematical Concepts. NSF (2055419). August 2021 – August 2026.
Co-Principal Investigator. Supporting computational thinking across grade levels and content areas in K-5 education. NSF (DRL–2219317). Oct 2021 – Sept 2025.
Co-Principal Investigator. Empowering K-5 Teachers in Southern Oregon Through Computational Thinking. NSF (DRL-1923633). Oct 2019 – Sept 2022.
Selected Publications
Krause, G. (2023). Worlds and Words: Entangling Mathematics, Language, and Context in Newcomer Classrooms. ZDM-Mathematics Education.
Garner, B., Munson, J., Krause, G., Bertolone-Smith, C., Saclarides, E., Vo, A., Lee, H.S. (2023). The landscape of U.S. elementary mathematics teacher education: Course requirements for mathematics content and methods. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Krause, G., Vanderberg, M., E. Hung, E., Skuratowicz, E. (2023). Computational thinking in a bilingual kindergarten classroom: Emergent ideas for teaching across content areas. Education and Information Technologies.
Krause, G., Adams-Corral, M., Maldonado, L.A., (2022). Developing awareness around language practices in the elementary bilingual mathematics classroom. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 15(2), 8-40.
Krause, G. (2022). The Problem of Words: Learning to Teach Mathematics When Numbers and Languages Mix. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. 12(1), 281-294.
Empson, S. B., Krause, G., Jacobs, V. R. (2021). “I stewed over that number set for like an hour last night”: Purposeful selection of numbers for fraction story problems. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 64.
Krause, G., Maldonado, L. A., & Adams-Corral, M. (2021). Listening to and understanding students' algorithms. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PreK - 12, 114:2.
Krause, G., Silva, J., & Aguilar, J. (2020). Bilingual pre-service teachers and their opportunities to learn. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 12:4, 289-30.
Krause, G., & Colegrove, K. (2020). Preparing bilingual pre-service teachers to foster equitable and open communication with Latinx immigrant parents en la enseñanza de matemáticas. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, 11:3, 41-49.
Maldonado, L. A., Krause, G., & Adams-Corral, M. (2020). Flowing with the translanguaging corriente: Juntos engaging with and making sense of mathematics, Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, 11:2, 17-25.