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SEP Family Handbook

Program Information  

Center for Gifted Education was established in 1988, the Center for Gifted Education (CFGE) at William & Mary is a learning community that values and fosters the talent development process and optimal functioning of high-ability individuals over their lifespan.  

William & Mary’s Saturday Enrichment Programs (SEP) is an academically challenging program with an emphasis on inquiry-based learning for students enrolled in grades K–12. The program is not meant to replace the regular school curriculum; rather, it recognizes the importance of allowing able children to explore additional specialized areas of science, mathematics, humanities, and the arts. Course activities are compatible with the expected achievement of high-ability students at specific grade and age levels. Behaviors fostered by this program include the ability to: apply process skills used in individual fields of inquiry, recognize problems and approaches to problem-solving, understand and appreciate individual differences, and become a self-directed learner.  


Saturday tuition fee is $125 for each on-campus course (including a non-refundable $25 registration fee).  
The Summer tuition fees are:  
$599 -June 23rd-27th 
 $399 -July 30th-August 1st  
$299 -August 4th- 8th (per session)  
*Each on-campus course (including a non-refundable $25 registration fee).  

Minimum Course Enrollment: Approximately one month before the start of the session, the program staff will review course enrollment to ensure classes have met the minimum enrollment requirement. Parents/Guardians will be notified by email should a course be canceled.   

Class Placement and Size: Class size will be limited to a maximum of 18 participants (with rare exceptions).  

Course Withdrawals: Request to withdraw from a course must be made in writing 30 days before the class start date. The registration fee is non-refundable. Tuition refunds will be provided for payments made minus the registration fee 30 days before the class date. After 30 days, payments are non-refundable.  

Disability Accommodations: We accept all students with disabilities. If this affects your child, please contact [[amorris, Ashley Morris]] to discuss the necessary accommodations. 

Eligibility Requirements 

Students must be in grade K-12 during the current school year and at least one of the following must apply: 

  • Student has shown high interest/achievement in one or more of the content areas OR 
  • Student has received a distinguished rating on the state assessment OR 
  • Student has been identified for services as a gifted child OR 
  • Student has a score at or above the 90th percentile on the total battery or at or above the 95th percentile on the total mathematics or language/reading section of the most recent achievement test. 

Student Recommendation: Each student needs to provide a letter from a teacher or other academic facility recommending them for the program.  

Payments: are made via the SEP Payment Portal which can be accessed on the SEP website. Tuition must be paid at the time of registration.  

Application: Each family will need to create an account and profile for each participant. Accounts are created on the platform UltraCamp, which can be accessed on the SEP website. All forms, documents, and required materials need to be completed before your student's first day.  

General Information 

Emergency Preparedness Plan 

William & Mary’s Center for Gifted Education is committed to the safety of its students, staff, and visitors to our programs.  

Communication during all Procedures 

As soon as a true Emergency is present and the necessary procedure is enacted, the Director or Program Coordinator will notify the Emergency Response professionals and any necessary media outlets.  When possible, the Director or other designated staff will send emails or call parents to notify them of the situation.   

Evacuation Procedure 

There will be various reasons why we may have to evacuate the building(s) or campus. Usually, we will evacuate the building during a fire, fire drill, explosion, or bomb threat. When we evacuate the building, we will follow the Evacuation Plan. 

To announce that the facility must be evacuated the Director or Program Coordinator will alert staff that they need to begin the evacuation procedures.  There may also be an announcement through the fire alarm. 

During any evacuation, designated employees are responsible for ensuring equipment has been shut down, fire doors cleared, and that all employees have evacuated the area. In an emergency, it will be the responsibility of the Director or other assigned staff to ensure that each employee and/or student has evacuated the area as appropriate. The Teachers/TAs and RAs will account for all students. They will also be responsible for reporting any missing or unaccounted-for students to their respective directors. 

If an evacuation is necessary, follow the steps below to get everyone safely out of the building and to a location that is a safe distance from the building.  The designated primary route out of the building will be on the evacuation routes posted in the facility.  In the case that the primary route is blocked due to fire or other threats, the secondary route out of the building will be the closest, safest exit. 

Standard Response Protocol (SRP) 

SRP is action-based 
The Standard Response Protocol is a new evidence-based protocol being adopted across Virginia. The SRP is flexible, consistent, and is easy to learn. It provides actions to take in any given scenario. The premise is simple: one of five specific actions can be taken during any incident. When communicating these actions, each is followed by a “directive.” This protocol helps guide staff and students to take actions that will increase safety and security.  

Actions are: 

  1. Hold (In Your Classroom or Area).
  2. Secure (Get Inside. Lock outside doors) 
  3. Lockdown (Locks, Lights, Out of Sight) 
  4. Evacuate (To a Location) 
  5. Shelter 

“In Your Classroom or Area” 

The Hold protocol is followed by the clear message “in your classroom or area.” This alert is used when hallways or access areas need to be kept clear, such as during a medical issue or disruption. Students and staff are directed to remain in their classrooms or Area. 

Inside the classroom, education continues per our normal routines. 

“Get Inside. Lock outside doors.” 

The Secure action is called when a threat or hazard outside the building makes getting inside the school building optimal. Examples would be criminal activity in a nearby neighborhood or a dangerous animal on campus. 

During a secure event, no one is allowed in or out of the building. Inside the building, education continues per our normal routines. 

“Locks, Lights, Out of Sight” 

The Lockdown protocol is called when a possible threat or hazard is thought to be occurring inside the building such as an angry or violent parent, intruder, or the report of a weapon. Students and staff are directed to lock doors, get out of sight, and maintain silence. Internal barriers such as classroom doors are locked. If not within a classroom when the alert is called, students and staff learn to get to the nearest classroom or area with a door that can be locked. 

If a lockdown is called, leaders will likely be working with other agencies. Families may be asked to stay where they are and remain available to receive updates and instructions as needed. 

What Families Do During Lockdown 
Lockdowns can be stressful for all involved. In these situations, safety, and reuniting families with their students as quickly as possible are top priorities. We urge families to listen to and heed the instructions provided via division or school texts, emails, or calls. If a lockdown is called, please do not come to the building until notified. Depending on the event, families may be asked to pick up students at a different location other than the original drop-off location. 

“To a location” 

Evacuation is called when there is a need to move people from one location to another for safety reasons, such as a mechanical failure or power outage that would disrupt the day. The new location can be on or off-site, depending on the situation. 

What families do during an evacuation 
Evacuations can be stressful for all involved. In these situations, safety, and reuniting families with their students as quickly as possible are top priorities. We urge families to listen to and heed the instructions provided via texts, emails, or calls. If an evacuation is called, please do not come to the building until notified. Depending on the event, families may be asked to pick up students at a different location other than the original drop-off location. 

State the specific hazard and safety strategy 

The shelter is called when specific protective actions are needed based on the threat. For example, staff and students learn safety responses to tornadoes, hazardous material situations or other local threats such as severe weather. Those specific instructions are given at the time this alert is called. 


Emergency Notification- Health forms and emergency contact information will be kept on-site. In case of illness or injury, the Center for Gifted Education staff will contact the parent/guardian of the student. If the parent/guardian is unavailable, the emergency contacts will be notified. If any information changes during the program, parents must contact the Center for Gifted Education to provide updated contact information.   

Reunification - If an emergency arises, and we CAN stay in the same location, parents will be contacted to pick up their student when an all-clear is given. If we are NOT able to stay in the original location, parents will be notified with a location and details regarding pick-up.  

Permission for Emergency Medical Treatment - For the safety of your child, each student must have an individual health form and pick-up form on file. Any medical emergencies will be taken to the Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center emergency room and parents will be contacted immediately. State law requires that we notify families of children who become exposed to certain contagious diseases. This will be done via email. 

Personal Belongings -Any personal belongings bought are the responsibility of the students. William & Mary is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Students are encouraged to leave any valuable items at home.  

Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off-Students must be signed in and out of their classroom before and after each class with the Instructor or TA.  

Who can Pick -Up- Only individuals who are listed as Parents/Guardians or authorized pick-up can pick- up students. These individuals must be 18 years or older and provide a valid photo ID.  

Additional Resource - If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact Ashley Morris – 757-221-5844 or [[amorris03]] 

Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy 

Students will be expected to take responsibility for their behavior and act appropriately during class and activities to foster a positive learning environment for all students. As part of supporting students, staff will make every effort to deal with any behavioral issues, using positive approaches and the least restrictive intervention. Our commitment is to work with campers to help them overcome challenges to their abilities to respond appropriately to different situations. If a student becomes disruptive, a warning will be given to the student, and notification of the infraction will be communicated to the parents. If inappropriate behavior occurs again, the child will be removed from the problem area (e.g., class, enrichment session) and will speak with the Program Director. If the problem persists, the student will speak with the Executive Director. At the discretion of the Executive and Program Directors and based on the severity of the offense, the student may be sent home.  

Zero Tolerance 

Families, legal guardians, guests, staff, and students are prohibited from possessing firearms or other weapons during the duration of the program. Any student found with a weapon will be reported to the authorities and immediately removed from participation in the program.  

There is a zero-tolerance policy regarding the following offenses:  

  • drugs,  
  • alcohol,  
  • violence,  

Please be sure you and your student are aware that such offenses will not be tolerated and will result in being removed from the program. 

Note: In case of severe violations of the code of conduct, some steps may be omitted and lead directly to expulsion. 

Student Searches 

To provide a safe and disciplined environment conducive to learning and protect the safety and welfare of students, staff, and faculty, personnel may search a student’s person and/or personal effects whenever there is reasonable suspicion that the student possesses illegal or unauthorized materials. We adhere to the Virginia Department of Education’s guidelines and standards for student searches. If illegal items are found, personnel will report the incident to the William & Mary Police Department, and criminal charges may result as well as immediate dismissal from the program.  

Conduct Policy – Violations Plan 

A Conduct Policy was established to help ensure that all participants can have a safe and enriching experience. We enforce the following procedures to protect the rights and well-being of all attendees and personnel. Please review these expectations to become acquainted with this policy and camp expectations.  

Furthermore, all activities, curricular and extracurricular, which are sponsored by this program, shall show respect for the individual student. Every reasonable attempt shall be made to ensure that activities do not disparage or offend any student because of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability, language spoken, homelessness, or any other reason prohibited by law.  


Category 1 violations are behaviors, actions, or communications that disrupt proceedings and cause disturbances to daily operations. Category 1 violations include the following but are not limited to:  

  1. Disrespecting others, not following directions, or causing disruptions (including but not limited to yelling, talking over others, interrupting camp classes/activities, or other inappropriate etiquette).  
  2. Verbal aggression—use of profanity, name-calling, shouting teasing, etc.  
  3. Possession or display of disallowed items—game devices, vapes, e-cigarettes, drug paraphernalia, etc.  
  4. Dress code violations—not wearing appropriate clothing. 
  5. Unauthorized use of social media and/or technology.  
  6. Limited or lack of presence or engagement in classes and/or activities.  
  7. Academic integrity and plagiarism violations—students are not allowed to collaborate with other students on assignments unless they are directed to by their instructor. 

Repeated or accumulated Category 1 violations will result in further discipline at the discretion of the Directors.  

  1. Verbal warning  
  2. Written warning  
  3. Referral to the Director 
  4. Notification to parents/guardians as appropriate.  


Category 2 violations are behaviors, actions, or communications that directly harm or endanger others. Violations in this category will result in immediate referral to the Director.  

  1. Verbal assault—threatening, intimidating, instigating, inciting, using obscenities or profanity, taunting, etc.  
  2. Violence—behaviors that intentionally or unintentionally harm other people.  
  3. Bullying—harassment, disrespect, cyberbullying, discrimination, hazing, or any defamatory action or language that substantially disrupts or interferes with the operation of the camp or a student’s wellbeing and performance.  
  4. Expressed discrimination of students based on race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability, language spoken, homelessness, or any other reason prohibited by law.  
  5. Sharing or posting inappropriate materials or content in chats, message boards, social media, or other online platforms.  
  6. Making false reports or accusations involving students, personnel, or activities.  

Students who engage in any behavior covered in category 2 will be referred immediately to the director who will determine the appropriate corrective action. Based on the circumstances surrounding a category 2 referral or due to multiple referrals to the director, the following actions can be taken:  

  1. Contact parent/guardian.  
  2. Conference with the director 
  3. Removal from the program   


Category 3 violations are behaviors, actions, or communications that are not allowed and are grounds for immediate dismissal. Following these infractions, the student will not be permitted to attend all remaining activities for the day. The student’s parent/guardian will be contacted and informed of the student’s misbehavior. At that time, the director will determine the potential removal from participation. Behaviors categorized in this section include but are not limited to:  

  1. Inappropriate sexual behavior—any type of harassment, lewd conversation, or behavior that involves physical contact with private or personal areas of another individual. This also includes exposing private areas to others.  
  2. Sexting (including but not limited to displaying, sharing, posting, or storing) of lewd, vulgar, obscene, hateful, sexualized, indecent, or other offensive materials or content in any form, including social media platforms.  
  3. Substance use—the use, display, or promotion of alcohol or any illicit substance.  
  4. Possession, display, or simulation of weapons or look-a-like weapons of any kind including knives, guns, blades, clubs, etc.  

Students are expected to respect the rights and property of others and to be responsible members of the William & Mary community throughout their stay in the Summer Residential program. Each student has the freedom and the encouragement of the staff to grow and develop to her/his potential. Each person must respect other students’ freedom to do likewise.  

The Center for Gifted Education challenges students to grow socially and intellectually within the framework of a caring community. Consequently, each student should consider how their statements or actions might affect others in the community who have social, political, or religious views that might differ from one's own. Each student should recognize that others have the right to make statements with which they might disagree. Disagreement with a point of view does not give one the right to deny others the right of expression. The Center for Gifted Education Program believes that disagreement, undertaken in an educational framework of mutual respect, can promote growth. Students who attend any of the Saturday/Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) are expected to conduct themselves in a way that brings credit to themselves. 


  • Students are expected to remain on campus/in the classroom, except when participating in off-campus events as a part of the established program.  
  • Students are expected to follow all established safety guidelines in the classroom. 
  • Students must ALWAYS be with their designated group. 
  • Students refrain from running, rough play, or other activities that could cause harm to themselves and/or others.  
  • Students will respect classroom and classroom materials.  
  • Students are to be dropped off and picked up by an authorized adult from the program.  
LGBTQ+ members of the W&M community 

As an operating entity on the campus of William & Mary, adheres to all university policies. William & Mary fosters a campus environment where all members of our community feel safe, welcome, respected, and supported. William & Marystrives to make our campus a safer and freer environment for all members of our communityregardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. William & Mary is dedicated to providing an inclusive and flexible living, working, and learning environment for transgender and gender non-binary students, faculty, and staff.    

Policy Protections 

Unless otherwise constrained by law, William & Mary is committed to providing an environment for its students and employees that is free from discrimination based on race, religion, creed, national origin, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity,  pregnancy, physical or mental disability (or perceived disability), citizenship status, age, marital status, family responsibilities, Veteran or military status (including disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran, and Armed Forces Service Medal veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics.   

Preferred Name and Gender Identity 

At W&M students have the right to be called by the name they prefer and to request the gender identity they prefer. For interactions on campus, students can expect to be addressed by their preferred name. Please note that we are required to record a student's legal name on formal records (to match with federal databases) so that we can ensure the smooth processing of enrollment verifications.  

Students may not use a preferred first name for misrepresentation or illegal purposes. William & Mary reserves the right to reject preferred name requests that are offensive,