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Enrollment Deposit

So you've decided to become one of us

** The system will be down for maintenance on Sunday mornings.  It will return for service at noon.

Once you've made your decision to begin your graduate studies with us, you will need to accept your offer in the student application portal.   You will also need to make your non-refundable enrollment deposit to hold your space in your program.  (Students elevated to the EdS program in School Psychology do not need to pay a deposit.)

William & Mary offers two ways to submit your enrollment deposit: online (credit card or electronic check) and by mail (check or money order). Your enrollment deposit is a non-refundable, one-time payment which will be applied toward your first semester bill. Once we receive your deposit, you officially become a graduate student at  William & Mary.  We will create a W&M email account for you and provide you with a course registration window. 

International students who need a visa for studying in the U.S. MUST deposit no later than April 15th for a fall start.

Confirming your Enrollment and Paying your Deposit Online

Before making an online deposit, you will need to activate your W&Muserid, if you haven't done so already. You will need your W&M Student ID number which is the nine-digit number beginning with 93 printed at the bottom of your admission letter.

  1. Accept your admission offer in the application portal to confirm your enrollment either before or after submitting your electronic deposit payment.
  2. Complete your payment online. There is an additional 2.85% fee charged to those paying by credit card. Note that American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover are accepted. Please note the system works best with Internet Explorer. You will click through three screens before arriving at the eServices portal, where you should select eDeposits from the top horizontal menu. Pay Online by Credit Card or Electronic Check Now. Deposit for all programs, except the Executive EdD is $360.00.  Deposit for the Executive EdD program is $1500.
  3. After you deposit,  you will receive a confirmation email at the email address listed in your payment transaction from TouchNet, our online payment service.
  4. Once we have processed your deposit (typically takes 48 hours), you will receive  a WELCOME email from W&M at the application email address, to confirm the receipt of your deposit which will include instructions on how to activate your W&M email account. Your W&M  email will be the primary way through which campus offices communicate with you after your deposit.  It is the primary way W&M communicates with you throughout your graduate program. Please check it frequently.

Confirming your Enrollment and Paying your Deposit by Mail

  1. If you prefer, you can also pay your deposit by check or money order made payable to William & Mary.   Mailing Address: William & Mary, School of Education, Office of Academic Programs, PO Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795.
  2. Once we have processed your deposit, you will receive a WELCOME email from W&M at the application email address, to confirm the receipt of your deposit which will include instructions on how to activate your W&M email account. Your W&M email will be the primary way through which campus offices communicate with you after your deposit.  It is the primary way W&M communicates with you throughout your graduate program. Please check it frequently.
Information for New Students!