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Life skills/Classroom and Behavior Management

Resource Guide

TTAC Top Picks

Top Picks for Classroom Teachers

TTAC Top Picks for Building/Division Leaders

Family Friendly Options

Information Packets

W&M T/TAC Considerations Packets 

  • Pillars of Support: Designing Positive Behavior Interventions for Students with Disabilities provides the philosophy of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a description of the tiered approach to problematic behaviors, and several strategies for changing student behavior at the Primary and Secondary Tiers. Primary Tier interventions include setting schoolwide expectations, teaching expectations, establishing routines, and reinforcing correct behavior.  Secondary Tier interventions include Check-In/Check-Out and Self-Monitoring Strategies among others.
  • Classroom Interventions for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder provides descriptions of common behaviors for students diagnosed with ADHD and classroom interventions that can improve outcomes for these students. In addition to the common behaviors, the packet provides recommendations of instructional accommodations, organizational skills/structures, class activities, behavior management, and reinforcement strategies that can be implemented by teachers. 

U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) “Ideas That Work”

Center for Adolescent Research in Schools

  • Classroom-Based Interventions Manual provides a compilation of strategies to support school personnel in their efforts to improve support for students with emotional/behavioral disabilities and those at high risk. Each strategy has accompanying implementation forms to facilitate teacher preparation for implementation and to support fidelity of implementation.
Power Point Presentations

T/TAC Online Resource from PBIS-VA

Webinars/Learning Modules


  • Education Insights: Focus on Behavior podcast explores a variety of issues and topics related to behavior analysts working in school settings. In each episode, Dr. Selena Layden, Daniel Irwin, and Daria Lorio-Barsten tackle a different topic related to behavior in schools through conversation, connection. and relatable examples. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.

VDOE Resource

  • Transformative Classroom Management Program is based on the book, Transformative Classroom Management, by Dr. John Schindler (2010). Each session features a 30-40 minute video with accompanying PowerPoint slides, viewing guides, and multiple video clips showing the specific skills at work in classrooms.

Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR Center)

  • Classroom and Behavior Management is a five-part professional development support module/program. Each module focuses on more intensive interventions and provides extensive information on the rationale for the interventions and the research supporting them.  All resources can be downloaded individually and the PowerPoint Presentations are editable.
The IRS Center*
  • Classroom Management Part 1: Learning the Components of a Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan is a multi-part module with videos, audio, text, and interactive features, including segments on cultural responsiveness, basics of comprehensive behavior management plans, setting rules/expectations and procedures for the classroom, reinforcement and consequences, and games and activities to reinforce the content. The module takes 1-2 hours to complete.
  • Classroom Management Part 2: Developing Your Own Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan is a follow-up module to Classroom Management Part 1. This module provides templates for teachers to create a comprehensive behavior management plan for their own classrooms.  Teachers are directed to create their own statement of purpose, rules, procedures, reinforcing consequences for positive behaviors, discouraging consequences for negative behaviors, a crisis plan, and an action plan.  The module takes approximately 2 hours to complete, but work can be saved so that teachers can complete the module over several days. 
  • Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors Part 1: Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle is a multi-part module with video, audio, text and interactive features. The content focuses on students who continue to struggle behaviorally, even in classrooms with effective behavior management plans.  After completing this module, teachers will understand the “Acting-Out Cycle” and some of the warning signs (and possible interventions) for students who are experiencing a crisis that may lead to negative behaviors.  The module takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete.
  • Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors Part 2: Behavioral Interventions is a multi-part module with video, audio, text, and interactive features. As a follow-up to Part 1, the module showcases two broad strategies (high-probability requests and differential reinforcement) that can effectively decrease or end negative classroom behaviors and replace them with more positive behaviors.  The module takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete.

* All IRIS Modules are free to view; those who complete the module can earn “PD/Recertification credits” for a fee.

Sites with Multiple Resources/Links


Find Suicide Prevention Resources: September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month-Virginia Department of Education Schools can play a key role in suicide prevention. The task of all professionals involved in and dedicated to the education of children is to help prevent death by suicide whenever possible. When school personnel, families, and communities take an active role in suicide prevention lives can be saved.

The Virginia Career and Learning Center for School Mental Health Professionals offers professional development and career opportunities for school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and other licensed school mental health professionals in Virginia’s Public Schools.

Mid-Atlantic PBIS Network includes links to several resources for teachers and administrators to implement classroom behavior management practices.  Several “Snapshot” tools are available to allow a teacher or administrator to observe specific practices in a classroom.  There are also presentations with narration to support development and implementation of classroom practices including: planning the physical space; using behavior-specific praise; classroom expectations, routines, and procedures; and increasing opportunities to respond.

Missouri PBIS includes links to resources for school-wide implementation of universal (Tier 1) PBIS Practices.  Eight essential components of Tier 1 implementation are explained along with templates and tips.  For classroom teachers, the Effective Classroom Practice page is particularly helpful.  Training videos and modules are available for specific components of classroom PBIS practices.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports