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Online Learning for Teachers


Join SURN this summer for online, asynchronous professional learning!

Each course in our summer series is organized into five modules (one per week) with opportunities to explore relevant topics and apply what you’re learning to your own context. You can expect to spend 4-6 flexible hours online each week, engaging in activities that help build your repertoire of practical strategies for deeper teaching. Those who complete the course will receive a certificate for 30 hours of professional learning at William & Mary, and the non-credit bearing course will be posted to their William & Mary transcript.


  • Mentoring Novice Teachers

    Build a repertoire of actionable strategies for supporting our profession’s newest teachers as you develop your understanding of the multiple roles mentor teachers serve.

    Who: Experienced teacher from all grade levels (K-12) and disciplines
    Cost: $175

  • Instructional Coaching

    Develop your knowledge and skills of what's required to effectively coach teachers to improve teaching and learning. 

    Who: Teachers, instructional leaders, and administrators from all grade levels (K-12) and disciplines
    Cost: $175

  • Teaching for the 5Cs

    Explore one of Virginia’s 5 Cs each week (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship) and discover technologies and strategies that can help you integrate it more intentionally into your instruction.

    Who: Teachers at all grade levels (K-12) and disciplines
    Cost: $175

  • Cultivating Student Engagement

    Learn more about evidence-based classroom practices that you can begin employing in the next academic year in order to cultivate student engagement in your classes.

    Who: Teachers at all grade levels (K-12) and disciplines
    Cost: $175

  • Project Based Learning

    Learn the ins & outs of creating meaningful projects that support students’ deeper learning in your classroom.

    Who: Teachers at all grade levels (K-12) and disciplines
    Cost: $175

  • Meaningful Formative Assessment

    Cultivate a deeper understanding of formative assessment and learn how to design, interpret, and use formative assessment in your own classroom.

    Who: Teachers at all grade levels (K-12) and disciplines
    Cost: $175

  • Multilingual Learners 101

    Explore the fundamentals of teaching students for whom English is a second or other language & learn practical strategies and mindsets that contribute to their success.

    Who: Teachers and instructional leaders at all grade levels (K-12) and disciplines
    Cost: $175