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Math Day 2022

math-days-october-2022-2.pngSURN’s Math Days at William & Mary is returning to an in-person conference this fall! The conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 20 (for elementary teachers) and Friday, October 21 (for secondary teachers) and will be held in the Professional Development Center at William & Mary School of Education. 

This year’s conference theme is Moving Beyond: Reclaiming Best Practice. As we all seek ways to focus on building students’ capacity rather than focusing on their deficits, we want to stress a return to instructional practices and strategies that we know work. Our focus is on providing just-in-time professional learning by teachers and specialists with the goal of offering real-world practical suggestions and ideas teachers can use right away in their classrooms.

Post-pandemic has fueled concerns about learning gaps, and while these are very genuine and real concerns, we are all seeking ways to move beyond the focus on students’ deficits and to focus instead on building students’ capacity. We know that to do this means reclaiming what we know are the best instructional practices and strategies for advancing meaningful student learning.

Join us as we dive into focusing on acceleration rather than remediation and a return to the roots of what we know works in mathematics instruction. The conference features a keynote by Skip Tyler, co-owner of the Collaborative Learning and Teaching Group, and breakout sessions that offer real-world, practical suggestions and ideas that teachers can use right away in their classrooms.

Skip Tyler’s experience as a successful classroom teacher and administrator during his 31-year career in public education has provided him with a toolkit of effective instructional best practices focused
on student understanding and comprehension. Skip earned a BS in mathematics and a masters in curriculum and instruction from Virginia Tech. A National Board Certified Teacher, Skip most recently worked for Henrico County Public Schools as a Mathematics Educational Specialist. He has presented on mathematics instruction at the state and national levels and is actively involved in leadership positions in his state and in regional mathematical organizations. With a focus on staying positive and hopeful, Skip will share his core messages that #EveryoneIsAMathPerson and that we can #ChangeTheStory.


Elementary Day:
The New (Normal) Better, Keynote Presentation by Skip Tyler

Reasoning Routines, Skip Tyler

5 Instructional Shifts to “Water Up”: Connecting Mathematics Standards with Students, Kelly Kent-Johnson

Inquiry, Flipped Learning, Personalized Learning, Kelly Steele

Secondary Day:
The New (Normal) Better
, Keynote Presentation by Skip Tyler

5 Instructional Shifts to "Water Up": Connecting Mathematics Standards with Students,
Kelly Kent-Johnson