2023 SURN Leadership Conference
June 20-21, 2023 | William & Mary School of Education
8:45 a.m. - 3:30 pm both days
The SURN Leadership Conference is in-person for 2023! School division teams and individuals attend the conference for the opportunity to share with other educators, discuss topics with leading researchers, reflect on the prior school year, be inspired, and plan strategically for the upcoming year.
Tuesday Morning Keynote:
Michael Fullan
Michael Fullan is a worldwide expert in Whole System Change in Education and the Global Leadership Director, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. He partners with educational experts and governments around the globe.
It’s been five years since Michael joined us, and the world of school leadership is forever changed. He joins us to share his most recent research into change leadership, urging us to lead and act outside of the status quo in education.
He is developing some great hands-on material for our conference, and in his words, “the stuff is fresh, for the times, focused, and precise to the issues.”
Tuesday Afternoon Keynote:
Vivian Hamilton
At the Law School, she serves as faculty advisor to the Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice, the Black Law Students Association, and the Equality Alliance. She is a founder and co-chair of the William & Mary Faculty of Color Network.
Wednesday Morning Keynote:
Carol Ann Tomlinson
Carol Ann Tomlinson is the William Clay Parrish Jr. Professor emeritus at the University of Virginia’s School of Education and Human Development. Widely considered a leading voice for differentiated instruction, she is the author or numerous books on that topic.
She joins us to share how leaders can help make effective student-centered, academically responsive instruction a reality.
Wednesday Afternoon Keynote:
Chris Reina
His research focuses on the intersection of leadership, mindfulness, and emotions in the workplace and how they bring about employee and organizational well-being.
Concurrent Sessions:
Participants will also choose sessions of interest from among the conference strands. Some of those sessions are being led by faculty in our School Psychology and Counselor Education program as well as our Educational Planning, Policy, and Leadership program. Others will be led by the VA Center for Inclusive Schools, the Virginia Department of Education, school leaders from across the state, and other experts in the field.