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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the class sizes?

Classes have a max of 18 students.

Why Camp Ignite?

This camp will not only give your student an opportunity to take a deep dive into a subject they are interested in, but it gives them a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from expert instructors, meet like minded peers, and spark an internal motivation to explore the world around them!

Do the students go on field trips?

Potentially! Each class will be given the opportunity to build a field trip into their curriculum.

Residential vs. Day Program

Residential will allow students to remain on campus for the full two weeks. They will live in dorms, eat in the dining hall, and participate in activities in the evening. Students will be supervised by residential staff who will live in the dorms with the students.

Day Program will allow your student to participate in the academic side of the program.  Students will arrive in time for the start of class, enjoy lunch with their peers, and then depart each day at the end of class. This is a Monday – Friday schedule.

What does a typical day look like?

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM - Start the Day

8:00 AM-9:00 AM - Breakfast at Dining Hall

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM – Class Time

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Lunch at Dining Hall

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Class Time

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM – Personal Time

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM - Dinner at Dining Hall

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - Evening activities

8:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Personal Time

10:00 PM - Curfew

11:00 PM - Lights Out

Does Camp Ignite provide accommodation for students?

In most cases, yes. We have experience working with students who require assistance getting around campus, have dietary restrictions, need specific learning accommodations, have ongoing medical conditions, and/or have other special needs. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the Center for Gifted Education staff at [[sep]] or 757-221-4178.

What is the cell phone policy?

Our mission is to provide unique, rewarding opportunities for students to enrich their academic experiences and develop networks of like-minded peers. We believe students will benefit the most by being fully present for all activities.

Students will be allowed to bring their cell phones with the main purpose of communicating with parents/family during their free time. Students will have access to limited dates and times that will be provided in the handbook.

If there is a situation outside of this timeframe where a student needs their cell phone, the staff will facilitate this as needed.  At all other times, phones must remain locked in cell phone lockers.

What if students get homesick or have roommate troubles?
Homesickness and roommate adjustment issues are not unusual, especially during the first few days. If your child expresses such concerns, please contact the office so that together we can help your child have a positive and successful experience.
What are the costs?


  • Early Registration (January 31st) - $5,199
  • Regular Registration (February 1st- April 30th) - $5,499

Day Program:  8:00 am (drop off)- 4:00 pm (Pick up) – This program option includes 6 hours of instruction & lunch.

  • Early Day Program Registration (January 31st) - $2,099
  • Day Program Regular Registration (February 1st – April 30th) - $2,299
What does the cost include?

This cost will cover:

  • Housing
  • Dining
  • Instructional cost – Instructor, Supplies, Classroom Fees
  • Field Trip
  • Activities
How do we register?

Registration will be made through a direct link that will be emailed upon receiving qualifying test scores and payment for the camp.

How do we make a payment?

Payments can be made through the William & Mary provided payment portal via this link.