Undergraduate Teacher Education Programs
Why be a teacher? Because the future of our country, our world, depends upon what happens in our schools. Teachers are virtually limitless in their capacity to touch lives. Teachers provide knowledge and skills and urge children to pursue their dreams. Considering that on average teachers affect 3,000 kids over the course of their careers, the ripple effect of even a single teacher's impact can be astounding!
Students looking for financial aid options, should check out the School of Education award and scholarship opportunities. Prospective Math and Science teachers should also consider becoming a Noyce Scholar.
Explore degree options
Learn more about our degree options and the various pathways to becoming a teacher in:
- Elementary Education (grades K-6) - B.A.Ed. with optional specializations in ESL/Bilingual Education and Special Education
- Secondary Education (grades 6-12) - Second Major
Apply for admission
The applications for the BAEd, Secondary Education, and Five-Year BA to MAED programs open on March 1st each year. Learn more about requirements for admission to the undergraduate programs:
- B.A.Ed. in Elementary Education
- Secondary Education (English, Math, Science, Social Studies)