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While learning at home, there are still lots of opportunities for your students to explore scientific topics and engage in projects that expand their skills in scientific reasoning and experimentation. You don’t need a laboratory — your home kitchen, for example, offers lots of opportunities for exploration.

There are numerous resources online to support creative science experimentation. Explore our list of online experiments and be sure to foster creativity by asking lots of questions about what they’re learning.

Use different practices of scientists by encouraging them to observe…categorize… Outdoor field trips will also get your students out of the house and exploring the natural world.

Use toys, craft materials and even foods to create models. Encourage them to explore topics that are of interest to them by breaking down how things work and creating a physical or interactive model.

Practice scientific communication by connecting with family and friends virtually.

Finally, become community-based science consumers and advocates by exploring the different ways your students can learn and engage with real scientific investigation.