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Antiracism Curriculum

Becoming an Anti-Racist Educator | Center for Teaching and Learning, Amherst College 

Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Action: First Steps | Center for Teaching and Learning, Columbia University

  • Columbia University’s Center for Teaching and Learning provides a synthesis of anti-racist pedagogy research with an emphasis on self-education for instructors who strive to incorporate an anti-racist pedagogy into their personal teaching practice.

Effective Teaching Is Anti-Racist Teaching | The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown University 

  • A comprehensive resource in inclusive teaching and evidence-based strategies.

The Anti-Racist Discussion Pedagogy Guide  

  • An introductory guide to building an anti-racist pedagogy in any discipline through instructor reflection, clear communication guidelines, and inquiry-based discussion.

Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Thurber, A., Harbin, M.B., & Bandy, J. (2019).

  • This is a comprehensive guide and resources for teaching racial injustice including:
    • Common Challenges to Teaching Race
    • Addressing Challenges Through Course Design
    • Principle 1: Encourage Reflexivity
    • Principle 2: Prepare for and Welcome Difficulty
    • Principle 3: Meet Students Where They Are
    • Principle 4: Engage Affective and Embodied Dimensions of Learning
    • Principle 5: Build a Learning Community

Stanford scholars examine systemic racism, how to advance racial justice in America - Understanding the impact of racism; advancing justice | Stanford News

  • See “Examining disparities in education” and associated research in social sciences and humanities.

Racial Awareness | Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning

  • Provides examples, recommendations and additional resources for addressing racial awareness, “where recognition of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity in the classroom informs teaching strategies.”

Pushing Back Against Racism and Xenophobia on Campuses | Inside Higher Ed, Hamedani, M., Markus, H.R.,  & Moya, P. (2020, May 14). 

  • Cites five ways college educators can have more effective conversations about race:
    • Use the language of “doing.”
    • Learn to perceive how race and racism operate in society.
    • Know the history of race and understand how it influences the present.
    • Acknowledge that all people “do race.”
    • But also recognize that since people do race, they also have the power to “undo racism.”