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Assistant Professor Kathryn Lanouette publishes article on exploring climate change


Article published in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed journals

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Assistant Professor Kathryn Lanouette and co-authors Krista L. Cortes, Director of The Center for Hispanic Excellence (La Casa Latina) at the University of Pennsylvania in Phildelphia, Lisette Lopez, curriculum developer in Western New York, Michael Bakal, doctoral candidate, and Michelle Hoda Wilkerson, associate professor, both in the Berkeley School of Education at the University of California Berkeley, have published "Exploring Climate Change Through Students’ Place Connections and Public Data Sets" in Taylor & Francis Online. The authors describe a middle school science curriculum approach that invites students to explore large-scale data sets and author their own data stories about climate change impacts and inequities by blending data and narrative texts. Students learn about climate change in ways that engage their personal and cultural connections to place; engage with complex causal relationships across multiple variables, time, and space; and voice their concerns and hopes for our climate futures.

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