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Associate Professor Gladys Krause Earns Fulbright Scholar Award


Krause will lead students from William & Mary and the Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB) in Columbia to study mathematics education and teacher preparation.

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Adina Allen Term Distinguished Associate Professor Gladys Krause has earned a 2024 Fulbright Scholar Award. Her project includes developing a single summer course sharing enrollment both from the Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB) in Columbia and William and Mary (W&M).

During the first half of the summer session, the UNAB students travel to W&M so that the class as a whole learns in the United States setting first. Then all students travel to UNAB to continue the course in the Colombian setting. In Columbia, students will: a) identify instructional strategies that elementary school in-service teachers at Instituto Caldas use to support their students’ mathematics learning experiences at school, as well as the instructional content these teachers tend to foreground, and; b) learn from the expertise of scholars and teachers in UNAB and Instituto Caldas working with immigrant students and parents to inform and enhance courses in teacher preparation programs and professional development.