Patricia Popp
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
(757) 221-7776
{{https://education.wm.edu/centers/hope/, Project HOPE}}
Areas of Expertise:
Instruction and policy related to students experiencing high mobility
Patricia A. Popp, Ph.D. is the state coordinator for the education of homeless children and youth in Virginia and a clinical associate professor at the William & Mary School of Education. In addition, she serves as a Virginia Department of Education liaison to the Virginia Department of Social Services to ensure educational stability for children and youth in foster care.
Prior to joining the university in 1995, Pat was a teacher for students with learning disabilities. Her research interests include students experiencing homelessness and high mobility, students with disabilities, and teacher quality. Her publications include Students on the Move, Reading on the Go, and Effective Teaching and At-Risk/Highly Mobile Students for NCHE and West Meets East for ASCD. She has presented at international, national, and state level conferences in the areas of highly mobile and homeless students, classroom management, and teacher effectiveness. Pat is a past president of the Virginia Council for Learning Disabilities, past president of the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY), and past chair of the NAEHCY Education Scholarship Fund.
Ph.D. in Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership with an emphasis in Special Education, William & Mary
M.Ed. in Learning Disabilities, Virginia Commonwealth University
B.S. in Elementary and Special Education, Boston University
Activities and Honors
Committee Member, Virginia State Special Education Advisory Committee (2018-Present)
Chairperson, CASA/CJA Advisory Committee, Virginia (2017-2021), (2021 - present) Vice Chair
Committee Member, Virginia Head Start State Collaboration Office Advisory Council (2014-Present)
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (Presidential cycle: 2003-2007; Scholarship Committee: 2007-2015)
State Leadership Award Recipient, National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators (2015)
Selected Publications
Popp, P. A., Gross, S., Hackett, L. (2020). Who's at the Table? Role, Responsibilities, Expertise, and Authority. In Jacqueline Rodriguez & Wendy Murawski (Ed.), Special Education Law and Policy: From Foundation to Application. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Bowman, D., Popp, P. A. (2020). Students Experiencing Homelessness. In Eric Rossen (Ed.), Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students, Second Edition. NY, NY: Oxford University Press.
Popp, P. A., Roberts, A. F., Robinson, P. F., Strawn, R. M. (2018). High School Is Not the Finish Line. New Directions for Community Colleges, 184, 11. (invited contributor)
Sullivan, M. E., Rock, M. L., Popp, P. A. (2016). Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities Experiencing Homelessness: Federal, Community, and Educator Roles. Preventing School Failure, 61(2), 155-162.
Popp, P. A. (2016). Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness: What the Schools Know. Rural Voices: Rural Homelessness/Housing Assistance Council, 21(1), 33-38.
Grant, L. W., Stronge, J. H., Xu, X., Popp, P. A., Little, C., Sun, Y. (2014). West Meets East: Award-Winning Teachers in the United States and China. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Xu, X., Grant, L. W., Stronge, J. H., Popp, P. A., Sun, Y., Little, C. (2013). A cross-cultural comparative study of teacher effectiveness: Analyses of award-winning teachers in the United States and China. Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability & Teacher Evaluation, 16(2).
Popp, P. A., Grant, L. W., Stronge, J. H. (2010). Effective teachers for at-risk/highly mobile students: What are the dispositions and behaviors of award-winning teachers? Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk.