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Could digital storytelling amp up learning in children studying science and history?

Learn more about Amelia Wildman's research on digital storytelling in this multimedia presentation.

William & Mary School of Education doctoral student, Amelia Wildman, M.Ed. ’17, Ph.D. ’22 and her co-presenter, Dr. Helen Teague a graduate of Pepperdine University gave a presentation titled “Harnessing Imagination Through Digital Storytelling in the History and Science Classrooms: A How-Focused Approach,” at a symposium on creativity hosted by the international Council of Creative Education. As the only representatives from the United States at this international symposium, they presented their research on digital storytelling giving teachers in the audience practical insight for weaving digital storytelling into their existing curriculum.

Wildman, a former English teacher, acknowledged that digital storytelling is used more often in teaching English. Through the use of digital storytelling in her own 6th grade classroom, she encouraged her students to process their learning by creating fun, narrative based “lessons” for younger students.

Digital storytelling is an engaging educational tool that enhances student learning on multiple levels expanding their comprehension of the subject and creating meaning through the experience of making it. “It’s situated learning, which is learning in a real-life context. Children are learning not just the academic content, but also what it takes to get the project done. And if you’re doing this in a group it’s better, especially with younger kids, because as you’re learning about something together, you’re not just using the tools of storytelling but also informing and deepening each other’s understanding of the content,” she said.