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Lisa Nelson

Visual Thinker, Sketchnote Artist, Graphic Recorder

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I am a visual thinker, sketchnote artist, and graphic recorder.

Graphic recording  is the art of capturing conversations with hand drawn pictures so that meetings and events come alive!  Not convinced?  Just read a few testimonials from our wonderful clients.

My journey into the world of business started after graduating from college with a Bachelors in Business Administration.  From there I have worked with several companies and government agencies to gain my experience in technology, business analysis, and project management.

One day, while surfing on Youtube (yes, I love youtube), I came across a video by Kim Love who was demonstrating graphic recording in the most creative way.  From there I was hooked and started to blend my love of art with my business experience.

I’d love to help you with your next event, so it can flourish from the power of visual thinking.