Faculty Team
Faculty Director |
Dr. Parker's research primarily focuses on student engagement and motivation among culturally diverse adolescents and multicultural practice in school psychology and education. As a Licensed Psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Dr. Parker strongly believes that research should inform practice and practice should inform research. Hence, her research interests primarily emerged during her applied training where she observed ongoing achievement and social-emotional gaps between K-12 students from minoritized backgrounds and those from the dominate culture. Dr. Parker has collaborated with several undergraduate and graduate students at William & Mary as “research partners” with the goal of providing them expanded learning opportunities that will increase their capacity to meet the needs of culturally diverse youth in their respective careers. Contact Dr. Parker at [[jparker]]. |
Faculty Mentors |
As a bilingual scholar, Dr. Barko-Alva's research agenda is rooted in classroom practices and explores how Dual Language Bilingual Education (DLBE) /English as a Second Language (ESL) educators make sense of language in culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) K-12 contexts, how to promote equitable and inclusive practices in order to serve CLD students and their families, and how to create sustainable practices to prepare DLBE/ESL in-service and pre-service teachers. |
![]() Leandra Parris, Associate Dean and Director of Diversity & Inclusion and Associate Professor Dr. Parris focuses on peer relationships among middle and high school students within an equity-centered, trauma-informed framework. Her primary area of interest is social media influences on youth well-being, prevention and intervention for addressing traumatic stress among marginalized populations, and coping with peer aggression. Dr. Parris utilizes a multiple methods approach to research, conducting both qualitative and quantitative investigations. |