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Mentor Guidelines

What is expected of you as a mentor?
We ask you to be in contact with your mentee roughly two times per semester, although more frequent interactions are welcome. We hope you will discuss with your mentee individual career and skills development goals. You can provide advice, guidance, and, where possible, resources to help him/her reach individual professional goals. This might include mentoring in the following areas: building a professional presence online and promoting one’s career; the preparation of job application materials and job interview skills (e.g., mock interviews); networking, including providing networking opportunities or connections in your field; or offering guidance on particular job or field-related skills.

It is up to you and your mentee to agree on how much time to spend working together. The School of Education will pair students with mentors, will make the initial introductions, and then will let you take it from there. We are always available to assist, answer questions, or address concerns.

Why we encourage students to participate in this program?

  • Gain broader perspectives on how to prepare for your career;
  • Expand awareness of different career paths;
  • Receive guidance on job materials from experts with extensive experience in your field;
  • Expand your skill set;
  • Build your resume;
  • Make contacts in your field;
  • Get to know a really interesting person who cares deeply about W&M!

It is important that the mentee have reasonable expectations about what to expect from you as a mentor. As a mentor, you will provide appropriate guidelines and expectations and assist your mentee in developing skills to pursue/achieve career goals within appropriate timetables.

What is NOT expected of you as a mentor?

  • Give an unreasonable amount of time.
  • Have all the answers. Each mentor brings individual strengths to the table; not every mentor will be able to address all of questions. We understand the School of Education may be different than when you were a student, or your professional landscape may have changed. Feel free to reach out when you have questions; we are all working toward student success.
  • Do all the work. Like any relationship, this mentorship should be a give and take. If you suggest the mentee do something that will add to his/her professional skills and help build careers, you should make a good effort to follow through.

The School of Education will provide you with your mentee’s email address and phone number. Feel free to email, call, or text. You and your mentee will decide what means of communication works best for you.