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About Us

Founding Executive Director

Jamel Donnor

Jamel K. Donnor 
The Fred Huby Memorial Professor of Education; Faculty Affiliate, Arts & Sciences and William & Mary Law School.

Jamel K. Donnor, Ph.D., is a social scientist in the School of Education at William & Mary with faculty affiliations in Arts & Sciences and William & Mary’s Law School. His areas of expertise include Education Policy, Constitutional Law, American Conservatism, U.S. Supreme Court Jurisprudence and Intercollegiate Athletics.

Professor Donnor has served as an expert rebuttal witness in Clark V. State Public Charter School Authority, one of the first anti-critical race theory lawsuits in the United States; and Emily Mais v. Albemarle County School Board, an anti-diversity lawsuit.

Professor Donnor draws upon political theory, legal history, and case law to examine questions that explore the relationship between law and racial inequality, and how the U.S. Supreme Court interacts with conservative ideology and right-wing movements in interpreting the Constitution. 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Joseph L. BoselovicJoseph L. Boselovic
Joseph L. Boselovic '11 is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Education, Democracy & Justice. Dr. Boselovic is a qualitative sociologist whose research examines the enduring nature of economic and racial segregation in American schooling with a specific focus on understanding the social contexts in which families choose schools.

His current work draws upon interviews to explore how low-income families chose and assessed schools within an experimental context in which they were provided with supports to move to lower-poverty neighborhoods with higher-performing schools. His research also explores how researchers, policymakers, and families of different economic and racialized backgrounds variably conceptualize ‘school quality’ and the implications of these different definitions for educational policy and social theory.