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The Center for Gifted Education Hosts Korean Students and Educators

Korean Visitors

The College of William and Mary Center for Gifted Education hosted 33 visitors from the Chungcheongnamdo Province, Korea on January 4-11, 2013. Dr. Virginia McLaughlin, Dr. Tracy Cross, and Dr. Mihyeon Kim welcomed administrators, educators, and students to Williamsburg, Virginia to exchange ideas about teaching and learning through a variety of science and math curricular concepts.  This visit to the United States was part of the Korean Nobel Project's goal "to stimulate the minds and develop the skills of Korea's future global leaders."

Twenty-four students attended enrichment courses in mathematics and science, taught by American high school AP teachers and teachers who are teaching gifted classes.  Each student had lessons on six different topics. Nine teachers and administrators visited Maggie Walker Governors School in Richmond to observe how American teachers interact with gifted students in their classroom. Also included in this visit were historical tours of Jamestown Settlement, the Museum of the Confederacy, the Maymont Museum in Richmond, and the opportunity to visit and shop in the historic Colonial Williamsburg's Market Square.

At the end of the intensive week of lessons, the students demonstrated knowledge gained in the week of mathematics and science classes through presentations.

For more information contact Dr. Mihyeon Kim  or 757-221-2458.