Higher Education Students Present at NACADA, 2013
Using Technology to Increase Retention
Higher Education alumna Aimee Stright, M.Ed. '13 and doctoral student Melinda Anderson recently presented at the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Virginia State drive-in conference. The program, titled "Building a Better Mouse Trap: Using Technology to Increase Retention," discussed the "Tribe Studies" Blackboard course developed for incoming students by the Office of Academic Advising. Aimee and Melinda explained how the course provided students information about course planning, academic policies, and practice registration through a mandatory summer course. They highlighted that the benefits of having students and staff connect through the Blackboard course included having a shared sense of community amongst students, creating a strong knowledge base of Blackboard tools, and having students become prepared for the transition into college. The presentation was very successful, with over 50 professionals attending.