Spring 2011
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MON | FALL SEMESTER grades DUE at 9:00 a.m. |
3 |
MON | College administrative offices re-open |
14 |
FRI | Graduation conferral date for WINTER graduates; (no ceremony) |
15 |
Deadline for applying to graduate programs and for graduate assistantships | |
17 |
MON | Martin Luther King, Jr., Day (Graduate and undergraduate classes will not be held; administrative offices will be closed.) |
18 |
TUE | General graduate REGISTRATION for Spring Semester 2011 for non-degree seeking students who are enrolling for the first time. Other students register on Wednesday. Refer to https://banweb.wm.edu/pls/PROD/bwckschd.p_disp_dyn_sched for course listings. The School of Education classes are listed under three subjects: "Curriculum & Instruction" (CRIN), "Ed Policy Planning Leadership" (EPPL), and "Education" (EDUC). |
19 |
WED | Registration for continuing students (both degree-seeking and unclassified students who were enrolled during Fall Semester 2010 but did not pre-register for the Spring Semester in November/December 2010). Graduate and undergraduate CLASSES BEGIN; first day of ADD/DROP |
27-28 | THU-FRI | Written comprehensive examination for all doctoral programs |
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WED | Last day of ADD/DROP |
3 |
THU | Withdrawal period begins |
5-13 |
SAT-SUN | SPRING BREAK (for graduate and undergraduate students) |
13 |
WED | Oral comprehensive examinations BEGIN for all doctoral programs |
15 |
FRI | DEADLINE for May 2011 doctoral degree candidates to defend their dissertations |
25 - MAY 8 |
MON-SUN | Pre-registration for Summer Session and Fall Semester 2011 -- degree-seeking students |
2-8 |
MON-SUN | Pre-registration for Summer Session and Fall Semester 2011 graduate classes for degree-seeking students and returning unclassified students who were enrolled in Spring 2011 |
3 |
TUES | Last day to withdraw from a Spring Semester 2011 course |
6 |
FRI | DEADLINE for May 2011 doctoral degree candidates to submit their final paperwork (receipts from the Cashier and Swem Library, as well as the "Survey of Earned Doctorates") to Graduate Registrar in the Office of Academic Programs (School of Education, Room 1115) |
8 |
9-10 |
MON-TUE | Last week of graduate classes |
10 |
TUE | Deadline for students to complete work for Fall 2010 classes with "I" (incomplete) grades |
13 |
FRI | Graduating student Spring Semester grades due at 9:00 a.m. (both undergraduate & graduate) |
15 |
SUN | Graduation and the School of Education's Post-Commencement Reception |
18 |
WED | Remaining Spring Semester grades due at noon (undergraduate) |
20 |
FRI | Remaining Spring Semester grades due at noon (graduate) |
MON | Memorial Day (College closed. Graduate and undergraduate classes will NOT be held.) |
31 |
TUE | Orientation for newly admitted C&I students (9:00 a.m. - noon; location in SOE, Matoaka Woods) |
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FRI | Make-up day for classes that would have been held on Memorial Day. |