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Antonis Katsiyannis, Ed.S. '88, Ed.D. '89

Antonis KatsyannisAntonis Katsiyannis, EdD, received his doctorate from the College of  William & Mary in general school administration/special education administration, along with specialization in behavioral disorders.

After completing his doctorate in 1989, Dr. Katsiyannis was employed by the Virginia Department of Education in the Federal Monitoring Unit and taught at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Currently, as a Distinguished Alumni Professor of Special Education with Clemson University, he is teaching courses in assessment, applied behavior analysis, and legal and policy issues. He has published over 120 articles in the areas of legal and policy issues associated with special education, delinquency, and issues involving students with emotional or behavioral disorders in professional journals, such as Behavioral Disorders, Exceptional Children, Remedial and Special Education, and the Journal of Special Education. He serves in several editorial boards and as the co editor of the Journal of Disability Policy Studies.  He is also actively involved in the field of behavioral disorders by serving in national boards, including as the president of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.