Loury Ollison Floyd, Ph.D. '04

Loury Ollison Floyd, Ph.D. Associate Professor & Assistant Dean for Teacher Education, School of Education at North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC was elected Vice President of the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators. NC-ACTE is the organization that unites teacher educators in both public and private colleges and universities, staff and faculty in state created initiatives and consortiums, and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Floyd will serve as Vice President for a two year term.
Dr Floyd graduated from the Educational Policy, Planning and Leadership program (EPPL) in Special Education Administration.
Dr. Floyd has also been appointed to serve as an officer for the state special education professional organization. She served as the 2009 Student Coordinator for the North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children. NC-CEC is a state affiliate of the National Council for Exceptional Children organization. NC-CEC provides state and local support in the way of regional trainings, annual conferences, newsletters, and awards. Floyd also serves as advisor for N.C. A&T Student Council for Exceptional Children (Chapter #1150).