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The Waiting Game

I SURVIVED! I am now on the other side of the first part of comps. As promised, it was challenging and nerve-wracking. But as also promised, I survived. As happy as I am that I did it, I can’t really celebrate until I know my results. Which brings me to the topic of today’s blog: waiting. This semester is full of waiting and making sure I keep my patience. For about two weeks, I have been patiently waiting until I hear back from my committee. I will either hear back today (Friday) or suffer the weekend and hear back Monday. I am really surprised how well I have been handling the waiting game so far. With the combination of having other obligations and my hesitancy to actually start the rest of the comps process, I have not really thought about comps during the past two weeks. It wasn’t until the day faculty have to report to the registrar’s office (so today :D) that my anxiety started increasing. My curiosity is killing me. I will either pass and start on my paper or fail and retake it. The rest of the comps process will be the same. Finish ____, wait ___days for feedback, then move to next step, and then repeat. Hence the title, the waiting game.

Before today, my cohort and I also had to wait on the results for this year’s ACA Graduate Student Ethics Competition. On their website, it was noted that results will be in by Jan 31. So that day, we refreshed their webpage so many times that at one point, I thought my internet browser was broken. 2 excruciating days later, we were finally notified that we won 2nd place! As expected, we were all kind of sad that it was not first but 2nd place is not too shabby! The next few things that I am anxious to know about are the results for the NBCC minority fellowship and whether or not my proposals for ACES were expected. So here is to hoping that It all good news from here!