We are delighted to welcome Pam Eddy and Steven Staples.
Fall 2008
We hope you enjoy the articles from the Fall 2008 issue of the EPPL Newsletter. Help us stay in touch - update your contact information.
For comments on this newsletter contact: [[wmeppl,Mary Runnells]]
We are delighted to welcome Pam Eddy and Steven Staples.
Dr. Eddy will be teaching courses on policy, higher education finance, and organization and governance in the EPPL Program.
Dr. Staples joins the William and Mary School of Education Faculty this fall full-time as Executive Professor.
Featuring the research activity of SOE faculty.
20th Anniversary of the Center for Gifted Education
for Administrators, Teachers, and Instructional Leaders
Highlights of some recent achievements.
Our faculty are committed to providing a world-class education through the investigation of quality research, interactive coursework, and practical experience.
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