Secondary Education
Interested in becoming a middle or high school teacher who is prepared to address issues of equity across disciplinary subjects? Faculty in the department of Curriculum & Instruction engage teacher candidates in foundational coursework and prepare them to use research-driven methods to engage diverse learners and promote positive and equitable learning outcomes. The sequence of coursework closely aligns with clinical field experiences, preparing teacher candidates for a spring semester of student teaching. The Secondary Education programs lead to initial certification and are designed for students who are not already certified.
There are three pathways at William & Mary to become a secondary educator with a teaching endorsement for grades 6-12:

Undergraduate — Second Major
Undergraduate students may add a second major in education to their primary degree in Arts & Sciences.

Five-Year B.A. to M.A.Ed.
Complete your undergraduate degree, then bridge directly to a fifth year master's program in education.

M.A.Ed. in Secondary Education
If you've already completed your bachelor's degree, join our 12-month, cohort-based master's program.