Procedures for the Recruitment, Evaluation, Retention, and Promotion of Non-Tenure Eligible Members of the Faculty
I. NTE Faculty Position Categories:
Consistent with Faculty Handbook Article III.B.1, NTE faculty include all faculty who are not eligible for tenure. NTE faculty positions fall within the following categories:
A. Full-Time Continuing NTE positions have no term limit and have the presumption of continuation.
B. Full-Time Specified term NTE positions are NTE positions that terminate on the date specified in the contract and hold no presumption of continuation.
C. Part-time NTE faculty (adjuncts) are faculty who are paid by the course for specific contracted services; they normally do not receive benefits. Part-time NTE positions may be designated as either continuing or specified-term.
D. Post-doctoral fellows hold specified-term appointments as defined in and subject to the conditions of B or C above.
E. Retired faculty.
F. Affiliated scholars.
II. Creation of NTE Faculty Positions
A. The Dean, in consultation with the Faculty Executive Committee, establishes NTE faculty positions in light of course coverage demands and budgets.
B. NTE positions must carry the following titles: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, and must be modified as appropriate with “research,” “clinical,” “visiting,” “executive,” or “of the practice.”
C. The Dean, in consultation with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and project directors/PIs (if appropriate), will determine the terms and conditions of NTE contracts. The NTE contracts will include the percentage of effort dedicated to teaching, scholarship, and service.
III. Recruitment, Evaluation, Retention and Promotion of NTE Faculty
A. Recruitment and hiring of NTE faculty shall be in accordance with College procedures, which are available through the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO).
B. The School of Education will follow the formal process of recruitment for all full-time NTE positions, either by conducting an open search or by requesting from the Office of Equal Opportunity an exemption from the College open search procedures.
C. A person in an NTE position may receive a tenure-eligible or tenured appointment only as a result of a search consistent with the Faculty Handbook, Article III.B.1.
D. The School of Education’s Faculty Evaluation Committee, along with a designated NTE representative selected by the Faculty Evaluation Committee and not currently under review, is charged with reviewing the performance of full-time NTE faculty. Full-time continuing NTE faculty will be reviewed following two unsatisfactory annual evaluation results within a three-year period using the School of Education Annual Activity Report. Full-time specified term NTE faculty will be reviewed during the final year of a specified term NTE contract if the NTE faculty member is being considered for a new contract. The committee will provide the results of the faculty member’s review, relative to the percentages of effort as specified in their contract(s), to the faculty member and the Dean.
E. After a minimum of six consecutive years of successful, full-time NTE service, NTE faculty who hold terminal doctoral degrees shall be eligible for promotion in rank. During the promotion review, the School of Education’s Faculty Evaluation Committee, along with a designated NTE representative selected by the Faculty Evaluation Committee and not currently under review, is charged with reviewing the performance of NTE faculty relative to the appropriate criteria and shall make a promotion recommendation to the Dean, copied to the faculty member.
F. Criteria used to evaluate the performance of full-time NTE faculty will be contingent upon their individual assignments as designated in their contracts. Because the roles of full-time NTE faculty vary considerably with reference to percentages of effort in teaching, scholarship, and service, the criteria used to evaluate performance must flex according to faculty members’ individual assignments. The Dean’s office will communicate to the Evaluation Committee the percentages of effort devoted to teaching, scholarship, and service expected of each NTE faculty. (See Appendices.)
G. Performance of NTE faculty assigned to a grant or contract shall be reviewed by the Dean in collaboration with the project director or PIs, when appropriate.
H. Performance of part-time NTE faculty (adjuncts) shall be reviewed by tenured faculty in the program and area in which they serve and are subject to provisions in the Faculty Handbook, Article III.B.1.c.
I. These procedures will apply to all current full-time NTE faculty and those hired subsequently.
APPENDIX A: Profiles for Teaching
I. Criteria for Promotion of NTE Assistant Professor to NTE Associate Professor:
A. The Philosophy of Teaching Statement provides evidence of a coherent philosophy of teaching as well as a thoughtful and reflective approach to the candidate’s teaching duties.
B. The Statement of Teaching, Supervising, and/or Advising Responsibilities documents that the candidate has adequately fulfilled the expectations of his or her position in terms of assigned teaching responsibilities and advisement.
C. Original copies of end-of-course evaluations for all courses taught.
D. Other Teaching Evidence
- Evidence of Content Expertise
- Relevant training and professional experiences
- Expertise supported by current field-based experiences
- Evidence of Course Planning and Instructional Design
- Clear objectives and expectations
- Instructional techniques and student assignments aligned with objectives and content/skills
- Attention to professional standards (where applicable)
- Evidence of Quality in Instructional Delivery
- Course ratings consistently at or above the School of Education criteria, reflecting quality instructional delivery
- Documentation of the use of assessment feedback for instructional improvement
- Evidence of at least one other method of evaluation (e.g., peer evaluation, midcourse feedback)
- Indicators of Assessment and Evaluation Practices
- Evidence of rigorous assessments of course objectives
- Evidence of student learning or outcomes
- Description of Other Teaching Responsibilities
- Evidence of quality performance in other teaching responsibilities, such as thesis/dissertation direction, independent study, field supervision, and program advising
E. Self -Evaluation of Teaching
F. Future Plans for Teaching
II. Criteria for Promotion of NTE Associate Professor to NTE Full Professor:
A. Satisfaction of criteria for continuation
B. Significant contributions to program development and improvements
APPENDIX B: Profiles for Scholarship
I. Criteria for Promotion of NTE Assistant Professor to NTE Associate Professor:
A. A research agenda closely related to the candidate’s field or discipline
B. A record of publications that includes a combination of scholarly works, such as: referred journal articles, books, book chapters, published curriculum materials, technical reports, monographs, and/or submitted grant or contract proposal(s). As a guiding example, the following table illustrates the number of expected scholarly products during a typical six-year review period. The Faculty Evaluation Committee will adjust productivity expectations that reflect other percentages of effort dedicated to scholarship and also the relative weight of individual scholarly publications (for instance, that a book may equate to a number of journal articles)
Scholarship Percentage | Number of Scholarly Works Expected |
100% | 12 |
75% | 9 |
50% | 6 |
25% | 3 |
C. A record of presentations at state, multi-state, national and/or international conferences
D. Evidence of a combination of individual scholarship and/or collaborative work
E. Self-evaluation of scholarship
F. Future plans for scholarship
II. Criteria for Promotion of NTE Associate Professor to NTE Full Professor:
A. Continued scholarly productivity consistent with requirements for promotion to Associate Professor
B. A consistent record of presentations at state, multi-state, national and/or international conferences
C. An externally funded project, editorship of a journal, major research award or other comparable accomplishment
D. Self-evaluation of scholarship
E. Future plans in scholarship
APPENDIX C: Profiles for Service
I. Criteria for Promotion of NTE Assistant Professor to NTE Associate Professor:
A. Internal Service
- Regular and significant contributions to a program, department, center, and/or project
- Service on at least one standing or ad hoc School of Education or university committee.
B. External Service
- Evidence of consistent service to the field, including active participation in relevant professional associations and/or consultation to provide training/technical assistance to K-12 schools, IHEs, or other educational, community and/or government agencies
- Presentations at local and regional (smaller than state-level) conferences
- Administration of an outreach grant or significant partnership project, and/or an effort of similar scope
C. Self-Evaluation of Service
D. Future Plans for Service
II. Criteria for Promotion of NTE Associate Professor to NTE Full Professor:
A. Internal Service
- Continued service consistent with requirements for promotion to Associate Professor. Service on at least one standing or ad hoc School of Education or university committee.
Additional evidence to be considered
- Evidence of leadership at the program, department, center, school, and/or university level.
- Formally selected or assigned as a mentor of a new or junior NTE faculty member
B. External Service
- Continued service consistent with requirements for promotion to Associate Professor.
C. Self-Evaluation of Service
D. Future Plans for Service
Approved by the SOE faculty on 3/20/2013. Approved by the PPC on 04/08/2013.
Approved by the SOE faculty on 4/26/2017.
Revisions approved by the SOE faculty on 09/27/2017. Approved by the PPC on 03/29/2018.