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Novice Teacher Academy



  • To establish supportive relationships that foster growth and learning
  • To create a safe space for learning and sharing
  • To empower novice teachers to adopt a positive, optimistic view of teaching and learning
  • To address just-in-time needs of novice teachers
  • To model effective teaching strategies
  • To promote the retention of novice teachers
  • To provide leadership opportunities for master teachers


We are pleased to offer the fifth year of our Novice Teacher Academy. The Academy targets novice teachers (those with 0 to 3 years of teaching experience) from smaller divisions across the state (those with fewer than 10,000 students). We know that many smaller divisions have limited resources, and our hope is to enhance the efforts you are already undertaking in your individual divisions as you work to support new teachers. The Academy offers in-person, highly interactive sessions that provide just-in-time strategies and information for novice teachers with an emphasis on collegial problem solving, engaging instructional strategies, and teacher well-being. In-person sessions are interspersed with small group coaching via Zoom, which allows for more targeted grade-level and/or content-oriented coaching.


5 full-day, in-person sessions

4 small group coaching sessions via Zoom

All sessions facilitated by a cadre of trained master teachers

(With plans for in-person meetings at William & Mary School of Education)
Session 1: September 27, 2023
Session 2: October 25, 2023
Session 3: December 6, 2023
Session 4: February 7, 2024  
Session 5: March 6, 2024  

Additional meetings:

4 Small Group Coaching Sessions via Zoom, dates and times TBD by individual groups

We look forward to supporting and empowering our division’s work and your newest teachers! 

Registration is Closed for the 2023-2024 school year.