Customized Professional Development
The Center for Gifted Education offers customized professional learning to K-12 schools, school districts, university students, organizations, and associations around the world. Trainings are customized to meet the needs and goals of each client. The Center offers both inperson and web-based professional development opportunities on a variety of topics in Gifted Education. Recent trainings include:
- Implementation training for the William and Mary curriculum units (ELA, Science, SS, Math)
- Workshop training in problem-based learning
- Workshop training in differentiated instruction
- Seminar for school administrators on rigor in the classroom
- On-site coaching, mentoring in advanced curriculum development
- Middle school teacher training on models of teaching for gifted students
- Primary grades training in inquiry science
- Workshop training in Jacob's Ladder, supplemental language arts program
If you are interested in bringing Center personnel to your school or district to provide on-site professional development or scheduling a webinar, please contact [[jvcallison, Jennifer Callison]] .