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Welcome to the Tribe! A Graduate Assistantship Recruitment Experience- February 19

Location: Virtual

Invitation only event for newly admitted students to the Higher Education program

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Engage with Us

This invitation only event enables newly admitted students to the higher education program the opportunity to discuss your career preferences with our community of scholars, and investigate potential graduate assistantship openings. 

 Admitted students who are interested in obtaining an assistantships are encouraged to reach out to hiring supervisors prior to the event in order to learn more about certain positions. If you are interested in a particular assistantship, we recommend you communicate with the supervisor to pre-schedule an interview slot for Friday, February 19th. Please use the attached “Interview Schedule” to schedule your interview time(s). Each interview slot is 15 minutes long with 5-minutes allotted for transition. You will also have an opportunity to sign up for additional interview slots on Monday morning at the Welcome to the Tribe! A Graduate Assistantship Recruitment Experience.

Additional details regarding this event for newly admitted students will be sent to you after we receive your RSVP. 

Scholarship Opportunity 

Full-time students should also consider applying for the Chamberlin Higher Education Recruitment Award.  Please email the completed form to [[graded]] before February 19th.