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Continuous Enrollment for SOE Students

Continuous enrollment during the academic year for a minimum of one semester credit hour is required from the time of matriculation until the student has successfully completed and defended the dissertation.  

During academic semesters in which students are not enrolled in academic coursework or dissertation credits, they must enroll in one-credit of continuous enrollment (EDUC 799  Continuous Enrollment) to maintain active status.  

Upon successful defense of a dissertation proposal, students must enroll in dissertation credit hours (EDUC 800 Dissertation or EPPL 801 Dissertation Study, depending on degree program) during each fall and spring semester until graduation.  

If students expect to work with their chairs or other committee members during a summer semester, they should enroll in EDUC 800/EPPL 801 as appropriate during the summer semester, after securing the approval of their chair. 

Although students may have taken the minimum number of dissertation credits required for their program, continuous enrollment in EDUC 800 or EPPL 801 must be maintained once the dissertation proposal has been approved until they have successfully completed and defended their dissertation.

Students may may formally request a leave of absence from the program by following the appropriate School of Education protocol.  Failure to maintain continuous enrollment will result in withdrawal from a program and require a petition to request reinstatement.  

Students may formally request a leave of absence from their programs by completing and submitting the Leave of Absense form to the Office of Academic Programs.