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Hannah Franz Wins 2024 CCCC Richard Braddock Award


Hannah Franz '07, Ph.D. '19, has won the 2025 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Richard Braddock Award for the article “Black Linguistic Justice from Theory to Practice.”

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Hannah Franz '07, Ph.D. '19, Program Associate for Graduate Advisement at the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, has won the 2025 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Richard Braddock Award for “Black Linguistic Justice from Theory to Practice,” published in the June 2024 issue of College Composition and Communication. The article is coauthored with Michelle Petty, Angela Rowell, Marie Tano, Sierra J. Johnson and Anne Charity Hudley.

The award letter praised the article: “Franz et al.’s work models how writing instructors can live out their commitment to helping students make informed choices in their writing, how writing researchers can meaningfully collaborate with a range of constituents, and how researchers can keep the student populations they hope to benefit at the heart of their work by including them as co-researchers. We can think of no better representation of what we hope work in writing studies might do.”