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Senior Assistant Dean Dorothy Osborne Receives 2024 Charles and Virginia Duke Award


Osborne is the first person from the School of Education to receive this honor

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Senior Assistant Dean for Academic Programs & Student Services Dorothy S. Osborne is one of two people who will be recognized this year for exemplary service to the university and the only person from the School of Education who has received this award. On Wednesday, May 1, 2024, William & Mary President Katherine A. Rowe and Emily Duke will present the 2024 Charles Joseph Duke Jr. and Virginia Welton Duke Award to Osborne and Darrell S. Payne, Facilities Management. The award is presented each year to an employee who has given exceptional service to the university, either in a given year or in recognition of an outstanding career at William & Mary. The recipient is selected on a university-wide basis by a committee appointed by the president of the university.

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