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Social Studies Curriculum

The social studies units emphasize primary source analysis, critical thinking, and concept development to help students develop understanding of high-level social studies content in key Guide-to-Teaching-Social-Studies-Curriculum.jpgareas. Thus, the units reflect the focus of national- and state-level standards on historical thinking and research as well as on the integration of major concepts across disciplines. With five American History units, an American government unit, and two units focused on ancient cultures, the unit series covers a wide range of topics while maintaining consistent models for understanding issues, documents, and artifacts. Interdisciplinary connections are explored through in-class activities and student projects. The units also emphasize the development of student skills in the areas of discussion, writing, and research.

For information about the social studies curriculum, professional development, or training related to the social studies units, please contact Dr. Ashley Carpenter. The training offered by the Center for Gifted Education can be adapted to meet the specific needs of your district.

See the CFGE Social Studies Curriculum Overview for detailed information about the curriculum units available from Kendall Hunt.