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Obed Mensah

M.Ed. - Educational Leadership - Higher Education Administration


  • 2025, William & Mary, M.Ed. - Educational Leadership - Higher Education Administration
  • 2023, University of Cape Coast, M.Phil. in Economics
  • 2018, University of Cape Coast, B.A. in Social Sciences (Economics and Geography)

What kind of educational and professional background did you have prior to beginning this degree? 
Prior to starting my master's degree at William & Mary, I earned an M.Phil. in Economics and a B.A. in Economics and Geography from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. These academic experiences provided me with a solid foundation in economics and geography, which prepared me for my pursuit of higher education. 

My professional experience includes interning as a Data Validator with the Ghana Statistical Service. In this role, I honed my data validation and analysis skills, which helped ensure the accurate and reliable collection of statistical information. This professional background not only complemented my academic qualifications but also provided me with practical insights that I bring to my current academic studies. 

This combination of academic accomplishments and professional experiences has been instrumental in shaping my approach to higher education. I blend theoretical knowledge with practical insights gained from real-world applications. 

As a student pursuing a master's degree in Higher Education Administration, why did you choose this field, and what motivates you in this work?
My educational background in Economics and Geography has fueled my interest in the intersection of education and socio-economic dynamics. While working as a Data Validator with the Ghana Statistical Service, I had the opportunity to analyze the impact of education policies on data, which sparked my passion for effective policy planning. I strongly believe that well-crafted policies can positively influence educational systems and contribute to societal development and equity. I am highly motivated to contribute to educational improvement through policy planning and leadership, and I believe that this program aligns perfectly with my aspirations. 

What do you hope to be doing after graduation? In 10 or 15 years? 
Upon graduation, I aim to put my degree to use by contributing to the development of educational policies. Combining my academic background in Economics and Geography, my short-term plan is to utilize my experience as a Data Validator to analyze and enhance the impact of policies. In the long-term, I aspire to ascend to leadership roles in educational policy, working within governmental bodies, international organizations, or educational institutions. My ultimate goal is to shape policies that ensure equitable access to quality education, with a particular focus on positive socio-economic impacts. Moreover, I envision engaging in research and advocacy to address emerging challenges in education, with the end goal of contributing to a more inclusive and impactful educational system. 

Why did you choose William & Mary and specifically your degree program? What sets this degree program apart from those offered at other colleges?
I chose William & Mary for its distinguished Higher Education program and the university's academic excellence, reputation, and commitment to diversity. The program's interdisciplinary focus aligns seamlessly with my academic background. What sets this program apart is its faculty expertise, emphasis on research and practical application, and a unique focus on leadership within educational policy planning. The university's rich history and dedication to producing leaders in various fields further contributed to its appeal, making it the ideal choice for me.

What has been the most influential experience you've had so far in your program? 
My degree program has been significantly impacted by the unwavering support and guidance provided by the faculty members. Engaging in thought-provoking class discussions and collaborative group work has also been a valuable experience. 

The faculty members have played a critical role in shaping my educational journey by sharing their expertise. Through one-on-one discussions and mentorship, they have clarified complex concepts and encouraged me to delve deeper into my areas of interest. Their dedication to fostering a stimulating environment has been instrumental in my academic growth. 

Participating in class discussions has been an excellent forum for exchanging ideas and perspectives with peers from diverse backgrounds. These discussions have broadened my understanding of educational policy issues, encouraged me to question assumptions, consider alternative viewpoints and develop a more nuanced approach to policy planning. 

Collaborative group work has allowed me to draw from my fellow students' diverse experiences and expertise, strengthening my ability to work in diverse teams—an essential skill in the field of education. 

These elements have enriched my academic journey and shaped my approach to addressing the challenges and complexities of educational policy planning and leadership. 

Is there any additional information you would want a prospective student to know about the School of Education and its degree programs? 
The School of Education fosters a rich and diverse learning environment committed to academic excellence and leadership development. The practical application of knowledge is highly emphasized, offering hands-on experiences and engagement with real-world challenges. Faculty members act as both instructors and mentors, providing personalized support and guidance. The dynamic class discussions and collaborative learning environments prepare students for the collaborative nature of the education sector. The school values diversity and inclusivity, creating a vibrant community that enhances the learning experience. Networking opportunities are readily available, allowing students to connect with experienced professionals and leaders in the field. Research opportunities are also present, enabling students to explore and contribute to the latest developments in educational theory and practice.

The School of Education at William & Mary provides a holistic and enriching educational experience, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to become effective leaders in the field of education. 

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higher education administration