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Related Links

Websites are not formal curricula. Some of the websites listed are of interest to teachers as a source of ideas for classroom instruction and activities; however, many are accessible and interesting for students to explore independently. Once you get into one of these sites, you will discover many other hot links to other great resources. A trip to the web will not be the same experience for any two people nor will it be the same each time you visit. Everything on the web is subject to change, and some changes occur frequently.

The following are among the most comprehensive and useful websites that we have encountered. They include something for all levels of students. Many will link you to other sites that we have not listed here.

The History of Measurement
This site is an interesting resource found by some students in Ms. Rachel Martin's Class at Learning Haven. It explains the history of measurement that was officially established in the 18th century. 

Eisenhower National Clearing House for Math and Science

This site is useful to both teachers and students alike. It includes successful lesson plans and student activities.

Mega Math

This site is a good teacher resource for inspiration at many levels of complexity. Each lesson includes activities, vocabulary, background, big ideas and concepts, evaluation, prep and materials, NCTM, and further study. Projects include coloring a map, knots, graphs, algorithms, and infinity.

K12 Resources for Mathematics Education

This website is mostly useful for teachers. This site includes lesson plans from all different states and specialty schools.

Directory of Mathematics Links

This is a great resource site to lead you to link with other sites. This specific site would be best accessed by a teacher and have him/her link to a more appropriate student-oriented program.

Directory of Mathematics Resources

This site is also a resource that will guide you to other helpful pages. The resources are once again best accessed by a teacher who can then allow the student to link to the appropriate sites.

Math Forum

This site is loaded with information for both students and teachers. Under the Student Center, there are Interactive Forum Projects and Links for Students. You can also find a problem of the week under the Projects title, which could be used by teachers or students. Other titles include Math Tips and Tricks, Beat Calc, Divisibility Rules, and Multiplication Tips. Under the Link for Students check out the elementary and middle school student centers. The Teacher's Place is an excellent resource for K12 teachers with everything from issues in math education to Internet math projects. An especially good place to check out is Steve's Dump, which has dozens of math resources for the teacher "Ask Dr. Math" is a great resource for students (or teachers) who have questions. Dr. Math responds to questions at all levels by email and responses are accessible in archives on the site.

Linda Sheffield's Web Pages

Linda Sheffield is a mathematics educator who has an interest in gifted students. She has a large number of resources listed at her websites: