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Mathematics Curriculum

Mathematics materials for high-ability learners are appropriate when:

  • The materials contain a high level of sophistication of ideas. Topics such as infinity are explored.
  • Opportunities for extensions that challenge the most able learners are present. Gifted learners use up resources faster than other students. There are countless challenging problems and ideas for lessons on the web.
  • Potential exists for tailoring content to individual needs of high ability learners. There is something for many different levels, interests, and backgrounds. Age is not a gatekeeper for activities, projects, and problems.
  • Use of higher order thinking skills. There are a number of projects and problems that promote reasoning and problem solving.
  • Materials have less emphasis on basic skills once mastery level has been demonstrated. Most web sites go beyond what textbooks include. They do not duplicate textbook-style activities.
  • Opportunities for student exploration based on interest are included. If students have access to the web directly, they can find a wealth of rich topics and problems for exploration.

For information about the mathematics curriculum, professional development, or training related to the mathematics units, please contact [[aycarpenter, Dr. Ashley Carpenter]].

 The training modules have been revised to include information about correlations to the Common Core State Standards. Additionally, training offered by the Center for Gifted Education can be adapted to meet the specific needs of your district.

Visit the Prufrock Press for information about ordering William & Mary curriculum.