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Doctoral Residency Requirement

Ph.D. Residency

To satisfy the residency requirement, Ph.D. students must enroll in a minimum of nine academic credit hours for two consecutive semesters (excluding summers), excluding internships and dissertation credits. No more than three credits per semester may be taken as independent study during the residency. Students may earn internship or dissertation credit during their residency period by enrolling for more than the minimum nine course credit hours. Internships and dissertation credits do not count toward residency. Students in the residency phase of the Ph.D. program are full-time students, and as such are expected to participate in a variety of professional socialization experiences, such as conference proposal preparation, making presentations during seminars and symposia, and writing for publication.

Optional Ph.D. Residency (EPPL students only)

EPPL PhD students selecting the part-time option to satisfy the residency requirement must enroll in a minimum of six academic credit hours for two consecutive semesters (excluding summers), excluding internships, independent study, and dissertation credits.  Students in the residency phase of the Ph.D. program are expected to participate in a variety of professional socialization experiences, and EPPL Ph.D. students that select this option are required to submit a proposal to a professional conference or submit a scholarly journal article as part of their scholarly preparation. Students using this option must submit the Optional Ph.D. Residency form.

Ed.D. Residency

To satisfy the residency requirement, Ed.D students must enroll in a minimum of six academic credit hours for two consecutive semesters. No more than three credits per semester may be taken as independent study during the residency. Students may earn internship or dissertation credit during their residency period by enrolling for more than the minimum six course credit hours. Internships and dissertation credits do not count toward residency.