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Ability of completers to be hired

(In positions for which they have prepared)

Measure Four (Initial and Advanced)

100% of program completers for W&M initial and advanced programs meet licensure standards for Virginia and are eligible to apply for licensure. All advanced and initial programs are currently approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia for licensure purposes, and initial program graduates and Reading Specialist graduates must pass licensure examinations to graduate. Therefore, students in our initial programs, School Psychology, and Reading Specialist programs can be hired upon graduation in positions requiring those licenses.

Advanced program graduates in the School Counseling and K-12 Administration program are not mandated to take and pass licensure examinations. For School Counseling licensure in Virginia, candidate completion of the CACREP approved program allows students to be eligible for licensure and therefore employment as a school counselor upon graduation. For the K-12 Administration program, students must take and pass the SLLA examination to be eligible for licensure beyond central office. For those K-12 Administration students that take the SLLA, we have a 100% pass rate.

The Commonwealth of Virginia does not provide sufficient data on program graduates to determine employment directly. To understand the employment of our graduates we obtained a list of graduates by program and conducted a search of public records to determine if our completers were employed in the field for which they had been prepared. We searched both school sites and social media sites to determine where the completer was employed, and if they were employed in the field that the W&M School of Education prepared them for. Those completers who we could not find, or those who were not employed in the field for which they were prepared, were not counted in this census.

These numbers represent the percentage of students from the graduating class of the indicated year who are currently employed as of March 2024 in the field for which they prepared. The columns marked NA either had no graduates, or we were unable to find employment records. These numbers are subject to some limitations. Because we relied on publicly available records to determine employment, we cannot be 100% certain the individuals for which we obtained employment information are our graduates. In addition, we may not have been able to account for the employment of all graduates, particularly those who went to work for private schools, those who choose not to have a social media profile. It is extremely likely that the numbers are underreported as a result.

To improve the accuracy of these numbers, W&M will be launching an exit survey in the Spring of 2024 for program graduates. We will be collecting information about student employment as well as student contact information to allow us to track students more accurately in the future. 

Ability of completers to be hired

Licensure Area








50%  13% 




66%  11% 



66%  66%  16% 

K-12 Admin

Advanced – K-12 Admin

0%  9%  6% 



60%  0%  0% 

Reading Specialist

Advanced – Reading Specialist

N/A  19%  11% 

School Counselor

Advanced – School Counselor

55%  45%  48% 

School Psychologist

Advanced – School Psychologist


7%  29% 




0%  0% 

Social Studies



29%  0% 

Special Education



60.0%  33%