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Meghan Lechner M.Ed. '16

Meghan Lechner

Meghan Lechner M.Ed. '16 is a Director of College in Prison & Returning Citizen Programs at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, MI. After graduating from William & Mary's Higher Education Administration Program, she worked for six years in Student Affairs (Residence Life, Conduct, Student Success, Interfaith, etc.)

"I had some amazing experiences that undoubtedly prepared me for my current role - I now have my dream job and get to work everyday with incarcerated women while they pursue bachelor's degrees," begins Lechner. "This program is the first of its kind in Michigan, the only university serving women in this capacity and is a founding member of the Michigan Higher Education in Prison Consortium (MiCHEP). Through this work, our program has the chance to work with legislators, community members, Department of Corrections officials, and university partners to advocate for education in these carceral settings. We get to see firsthand the impact that these educational opportunities have not only on the quality of life for the justice-involved, but also their impact on our community at large through reduced recidivism rates. I am so proud to share the road with these mothers, sisters, daughters and friends who return home to their communities with a newfound sense of purpose and passion gained through their time in the educational process."

Lechner mentions that she owes her professional passion to her time at W&M. It was during her first semester that she met a fellow student who worked in the field of carceral education. Randomly paired as group partners, Lechner learned from him what a tremendous gap exists in the world of carceral education and education's impact on recidivism in America.

Lechner continues to use what she learned during her time both in and out of the classroom at William & Mary every day. Her professors were encouraging of her master's project idea of exploring higher education's impact on recidivism and enthusiastically guided her through the project. Lechner gained skills in the world of university funding, politics, organizational development, student affairs and student development through impactful coursework and dedicated professors. She mentions that she is "forever grateful for my time at William & Mary, the friends and colleagues I have made, and the path it has led me down." 

While in her graduate program, Lechner was the first to hold an assistantship in Campus Recreation's Outdoor Programming. Aside from the tremendous adventures and exploration of Virginia that this opportunity afforded her, she was exposed to the power of holistic student development. Leaning into what it means to develop an entire student and getting to be in the room for conversations on how to grow the Health & Wellness programs on campus has changed the way she views not only physical wellness but also spiritual and mental wellness. Lechner is thankful to the leaders in Campus Recreation for their support of her growth as a person and as a professional. She gives thanks to those for believing in her and taking a chance on her to start something new.