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Virginia McKinney-Vento Grant

2017-2020 Forms

Please contact the Project HOPE-VA office for copies of the 2020-2023 subgrant or the 2020 non-subgrant forms.

Submit the forms for reimbursements [exl], which include:

  • 17A - Reimbursement Cover
  • 17B - Summary Expenditures Sheet (Note:This form will automatically populate upon filling out forms 17A, 17C & 17D.  Please do not fill out manually.)
  • 17C - Salary & Benefits
  • 17D - General Expenditures

Submit the forms for amendments [exl], which include:

  • 18A - Amendment Cover 
  • 18B - Budget Summary 
  • 18C - Balance Sheet 
  • 18C-1 Justification 

Submit the forms for 19-20 budgets [exl], which include:

  • 19A - Budget Cover 
  • 18B - Budget Summary 
  • 19C - Budget Changes
  • 19C-1 - Justification