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/image/_homepage/_media/hero-header-students-with-tree-1.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Students in Holiday Sweaters46323619201082/_homepage/_media/hero-header-building-holly-berries-1.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// of Education Building in Winter29609219191081/_homepage/_media/hero-header-bell-in-winter-1.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// of Education Bell in Winter13686319201080/_homepage/_media/hero-header-menorahs-and-tree-1.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// of Holiday Traditions44539119201081/_homepage/_media/hero-header-students-edweek-hot-chocolate.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Week 2024 Students in Lobby45456119171081/_homepage/_media/hero-header-student-let-freedom-read-1.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// of Education Student in Learning Resource Center39162019241083/Virginia's Premier School of EducationEducating for impact in Virginia and beyond.Learn More/about/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowRightColumnYesshowParentAboveYesshareUrlsite:// NameAboutTransforming students, schools and communities_self/_homepage/herosite:// Page Display NameSchool of Education Hero/_homepage/_media/two-students-smiling-apply-today.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Now1812121200800

The deadline to apply for most programs is January 15. The application is online. Follow the link below to access the application form in addition to tips for preparing a competitive application, information about fees, instructions for current undergraduate students and international applicants, and much more.

/_homepage/apply-nowsite:// Page Display NameApplication Deadline: January 15, 2025

The School of Education prepares transformative leaders for a rapidly-changing world and educational landscape. Our faculty, students, alumni and partners are constantly working to create new knowledge in the fields of educational theory, practice and policy — then taking that research and developing meaningful ways to put it to work in classrooms and clinics.

/_homepage/prospectivesite:// Page Display NameTransforming Students, Schools & Communities
/_homepage/_media/explore.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// EducationBecome a teacher and shape the future of a nation.Learn More/academics/ci/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowRightColumnYesshowParentAboveYesshareUrlsite:// Page Display NameCurriculum & InstructionAdvance equity and opportunity as a teacher_selfK-12 & Higher Education LeadershipBecome an educational leader and impact change.Learn More/academics/eppl/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowParentAboveYesshareUrlsite:// Page Display NameEducational Policy, Planning & LeadershipPreparing bold leaders for an ever-changing world_selfSchool Psychology & Counselor EducationPrepare for an exciting and challenging career in educational and mental health settings.Learn More/academics/space/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowRightColumnYesshowParentAboveYesshareUrlsite:// Page Display NameSchool Psychology & Counselor EducationLarge enough for excellence - small enough for community_selfOnline ProgramsMake a difference in high demand areas through virtual offerings tailored to professionals.Learn More/academics/online-programs/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowRightColumnYesshowParentAboveYesshowSiblingsYesshareUrlsite:// Page Display NameOnline Programs_self/_homepage/programssite:// Page Display NameExplore Our Programs/_homepage/_media/holmes-scholars-2019-group.pngcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Scholars 2019 Group1217871200800

We strive to provide an inclusive environment for our students, faculty and staff and to equip our graduates with the tools, knowledge and dispositions to serve as advocates and build just institutions in the field of education.

/_homepage/diversitysite:// Page Display NameDiversity & Inclusion
/_homepage/_media/explore.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite://$11.7bottom:million2023 Research Expendituresnone100top:%Immersive Learning Experiences for Studentsnone13:1noneStudent to Faculty Ratio/_homepage/statssite:// Page Display NameStatsResearch & Scholarship of Consequence/_homepage/_media/camp-launch-research-photo.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Camp Launch, Counselor with Students59558519201280See how we are making a real difference in the lives of students, schools and communities through influential, actionable research.Discover/research/indexsite:// Page Display NameResearchConnecting research to education practice and policy_selfJoin us for an informal webinar series connecting faculty research to education practice & policy. /_homepage/_media/highlights/faculty-research-highlights-card.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Research26411900600Watch Now/research/research-briefs/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowRightColumnYesshowParentAboveYesshowSiblingsYesshareUrlsite:// Page Display NameFaculty Research BriefsConnecting Research to Practice & Policy_selfClinical Assistant Professor of Counselor Education Olivia Uwamahoro uses virtual reality to train counseling students./_homepage/_media/highlights/olivia-uwamahoro-research.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Uwamahoro 139713900596Learn More/ Teachers in Residence/_homepage/_media/teachers-in-residence_photo-gallery900x600.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// In Residence86061900600Learn More/academics/oteps/teacher-in-residence-program/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowRightColumnYesshowParentAboveYesshowSiblingsYesshareUrlsite:// Page Display NameW&M Teachers in Residence_self/_homepage/highlightssite:// Page Display NameHighlights/_homepage/_media/project-hope-row-photo.jpgcreditcategorycategoryexternalURLsite:// Hope-Virginia2991811199800

The School of Education currently sponsors or co-sponsors a number of special enrichment and outreach programs with direct impact on local, state and national communities. These activities provide model programs in direct service to children, adolescents, and their families, as well as technical assistance and professional development opportunities for educators in PreK-12, higher education, and agency settings. Project HOPE-Virginia, a statewide program for the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness, is currently highlighted because they recently launched a new website with expanded resources for students and families.

/_homepage/centerssite:// Page Display NamePrograms that Serve the Commonwealth & Profession
/news/news-archive/indexsite:// Page Display NameNews Archivesfolder-order/_homepage/newssite:// Page Display NameRecent News/recent-announcements/indexmediaAssetmediaAlignmentRightshowParentAboveYesshowSiblingsYessite:// AnnouncementsAnnouncements & updates from the School of Education4trueSee all announcements_self/_homepage/announcementssite:// Page Display NameAnnouncements/_homepage/eventssite:// Page Display NameUpcoming Events

William & Mary School of Education

Virginia's Premier School of Education
Five Students in Holiday Sweaters
School of Education Building in Winter
School of Education Bell in Winter
Celebrations of Holiday Traditions
Education Week 2024 Students in Lobby
School of Education Student in Learning Resource Center
Virginia's Premier School of Education
Educating for impact in Virginia and beyond.
Apply Now

Application Deadline: January 15, 2025

The deadline to apply for most programs is January 15. The application is online. Follow the link below to access the application form in addition to tips for preparing a competitive application, information about fees, instructions for current undergraduate students and international applicants, and much more.

Apply Now

Transforming Students, Schools & Communities

The School of Education prepares transformative leaders for a rapidly-changing world and educational landscape. Our faculty, students, alumni and partners are constantly working to create new knowledge in the fields of educational theory, practice and policy — then taking that research and developing meaningful ways to put it to work in classrooms and clinics.

Holmes Scholars 2019 Group

Diversity & Inclusion

We strive to provide an inclusive environment for our students, faculty and staff and to equip our graduates with the tools, knowledge and dispositions to serve as advocates and build just institutions in the field of education.

$ 11.7 million 2023 Research Expenditures
100 % Immersive Learning Experiences for Students
13:1 Student to Faculty Ratio
Project Hope-Virginia

Programs that Serve the Commonwealth & Profession

The School of Education currently sponsors or co-sponsors a number of special enrichment and outreach programs with direct impact on local, state and national communities. These activities provide model programs in direct service to children, adolescents, and their families, as well as technical assistance and professional development opportunities for educators in PreK-12, higher education, and agency settings. Project HOPE-Virginia, a statewide program for the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness, is currently highlighted because they recently launched a new website with expanded resources for students and families.

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